
Just Sharing healthy foods for little ones from 9mo~3yo++
blog started on 17/3/2015

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

25/11/2015 Wednesday 蘋果薄片煎餅

                Happy Wednesday dear all mummies~
Hubby ever tried once the famous Japanese Ringo Otome (蘋果乙女 Apple Slice Biscuit) from his Japanese boss. N years ago, he did mentioned few times about how yummy is this Apple Slice Biscuit and asked if I know how to make it.
Today I made it for my both babies (Big & small) this trial Apple Slice PANCAKE. After this trial will make the BISCUIT version.

今天做了日本有名的蘋果乙女(りんご乙女 Ringo Otome) 給我的超大寶寶(老公) and 2y4m的女寶寶。幾年前老公吃過這款餅乾後念念不忘,還問過我幾次是否會做。。今天用平底鍋先试做煎餅,明天才正式做餅乾版。。

Breakfast: Apple slice pancake and fresh milk

Lunch and Dinner: Pumpkin noodle with winter melon soup and fried chicken

Teatime: The Stunning Killer Toast and honey dew yoghurt drinks 

低筋麵粉 70g
無鋁泡打粉 1茶匙
蘋果泥 50g (用料理棒磨1/2蘋果+ 1湯匙牛奶)
蛋 1個
蔗砂糖 20g
無鹽奶油(融化) 30g
蘋果切薄片16片 (我用刨絲器切了,然後用烘乾機把蘋果烘乾。用烤箱也可以的,100度烤15-30分鐘,視蘋果片的厚度。)

3. 把粉分3次篩入蛋液中,攪拌均勻。
4. 用最小的火加熱不粘平底鍋,抹上薄薄的一層油。
5. 用量匙“1湯匙”舀一湯匙麵糊在平底鍋上。
6. 把一片蘋果薄片放在麵糊上面,用一張不粘烤紙/不粘烤布蓋上,再用一個平底的小鍋或碗壓在烤紙上面。稍微用一點力盡量壓扁即可。
7. 大概幾秒鐘,把不粘烤紙/布拿開。翻另一面繼續煎至兩面都金黃色。


for Hubby

Apple Slice Pancakes 
70g Cake flour
1 tsp Aluminum-free baking powder
50g Apple sauce (blend 1/2 apple + 1 tbsp milk)
1 egg
Cane sugar 20g
Unsalted butter ( melted ) 30g
16 pcs Apple slices  ( I slice with a grater, then use the dehydrator to dry them. You can also use oven to bake at 100'C for 15-30 minutes, depending on thickness of apple slices . )

1. mix flour and aluminum-free baking powder evenly.
2. mix well the egg, sugar, melted butter and apple sauce.
3. Sift flour into egg mixture by 3 times.
4. Heat non-stick pan with low heat, brush a thin layer of oil on the pan.
5. use "table spoon" to scoop a tbsp of batter and pour into the pan.
6. Place an apple slice on top of the batter, use a non-stick baking sheet to cover the apple batter. Then use a flat-bottomed pot or bowl to press on the baking sheet with some force.
7. After a few seconds, remove the non-stick baking sheet and flip the other side pan fry till golden brown for both sides .

Texture: crispy if golden brown
soft if lightly brown only

           video demo 實作影片:  

I used this to slice the apple

Winter melon soup
1/2 winter melon
1 chicken tight
150g pork tenderloin
2 honey dates
some red dates (I didn't put, no stock at home)

1) Blanc the chicken tight
2) add 2 litres water in a pot, put in all ingredients 
3) Boil in high heat for 10mins, then turn to small fire and boil for 1.5 hours or more
4) Off fire then add in dash of pepper powder and ready to serve warm

Fried Chicken
2 chicken wings
some liquid amino
some garlic and ginger (crushed)
dash of pepper powder
some corn flour

marinated chicken with all ingredients except corn flour for at least 1 hour. coated with corn flour and deep fry/pan fry till golden brown.

The Stunning killer Toast

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