
Just Sharing healthy foods for little ones from 9mo~3yo++
blog started on 17/3/2015

Thursday, August 27, 2015

27/8/2015 Thursday 泰式香蘭葉包雞

Happy Thursday~
During infancy, the doctor plotted my baby's growth on charts that show weight for length. Subsequently monthly vaccination also been measured and recorded by doctor who gave vaccination to my baby. Since then, it has been our habit to do measurement of my baby's head, height and weight every end of the month. Until now, my baby can tell us "measure" every time she sees us holding the measuring belt which we are going to measure her.
Any mummies here doing the same thing like us? It is very happy to see the growth chart going up gradually.. hehe...

My lo's growth chart (0-24 month old)
Breakfast: Hard-Boiled egg, Japanese sweet potato and fresh milk
Lunch and Dinner: White Rice + Japanese corn soup, stir fry cucumber and peas, Pandan wrap chicken
Teatime: Waffle Cake and Orange mango juice

Japanese Corn soup
1 Japanese sweet corn
80g meat tenderloin
6-8 pcs red date
4-5 bowls water

Cook in boiling water for 5 mins (high heat) then turn to low heat for 1 hour.

Chicken Wrap in Pandan Leaves
100g chicken breast/tenderloin or meat tenderloin
1 tsp liquid amino
1 tsp brown sugar / gula melaka
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tbsp crushed garlic
1 tbsp fresh milk
1/8 tsp Coriander powder
Dash of ground white pepper 

For wraping: 10-12 pcs fresh pandan leaves

1) cut chicken breast into 1-1.5cm cube size 
2) mix in all ingredients and marinate at least 1 hour or more in the refrigerator.
3) Wash your pandan leaves and cut them into approximately 12 inch lengths. 
4) Wrap the marinated chicken in the leaves as demonstrated in the pictures below.
5) bake at pre-heated oven of 200'C for 15-20mins
6) unwrap the pandan leave and ready to serve

To wrap the chicken in the pandan leaves, follow the diagram below.  First, fold the pandan leaf like you would to make a yellow ribbon, leaving one side longer than the other (image 2).  Place the chicken in the middle of the ribbon (image 3) and fold the longer pandan length back over the chicken, securing it by threading it through the other pandan length (image 4).  Turn the chicken over (image 5) and do the same thing with the longer pandan length on this side (image 6).  When you turn the chicken back over to its front, it should be wrapped fairly securely in the pandan leaf, with a little tip peeking out through the top.

 (做法參考Real Thai Recipe,食譜因寶寶而改了)
雞里脊/雞胸肉 100克
芫茜粉 1/8茶匙(如沒有,可以不加)
椰糖 1小顆 (切碎)/黑糖1茶匙
低鹽醬油1茶匙(我用Bragg醬油Liquid Amino)

包裹雞肉塊:香蘭葉 10-12片(洗淨)

1. 將雞肉切小塊約半寸大小。
2. 在一個碗裡,加入全部醬料和香料,調均勻成為醃料。把醃料倒入雞肉塊裡,攪拌均勻,將雞肉蓋好放入冰箱醃製至少1個小時
3. 把香蘭葉洗乾淨並剪成12寸長。
4.雞肉醃好後,就可以開始用香蘭葉來包裹。 (包法我沒依照原食譜,我參考這裡的包法)


Cake in Waffle Mould
(Original recipe by Carol)
1 large Room temperature egg (Net Weight 60g)
35g castor sugar (I reduced 25g only)
1/2 tablespoon milk
50g low-protein flour/superfine flour/cake flour
35g unsalted butter (I used 30g only)

1. soak egg in 50'C warm water for 5 minutes
2. sift flour
3. melt the unsalted butter

1. put egg and sugar in a bowl. 
2. Whisk the egg with high speed until bubbly and fluffy
3. Whisk till soft peak form which the egg white dripping down and form very clear trace (about 8-10 minutes)
4. Pour in warm milk and mix well
5. gently fold in the sifted flour in 2 times, mix evenly
6. Finally, add in the melted butter and fold gently 
7. preheat the waffle machine for 2-3 minutes
8. pour in the cake mixture into the waffle machine by using a ladle
9. Close cover and bake for about 4-5 minutes until golden brown

雞蛋糕鬆餅 (Carol 老師的食譜
室溫雞蛋1顆(淨重60g), 細砂糖35g (我减糖至25g而已), 牛奶1/2大匙(7.5g), 低筋麵粉50g, 無鹽奶油35g (我用30g而已)


3.打到蛋糊蓬鬆拿起打蛋器滴落下來的蛋糊能夠有非常清楚的摺疊痕跡就是打好了  (約8-10分鐘)


Wednesday, August 26, 2015

26/8/2015 Wednesday

Happy Wednesday dear all~
I am counting down for my long holidays soon starting this weekend... Holiday mood and would like to plan the schedule spending times with my family.. ^.^

Breakfast : Korean style cold noodle and fresh milk

Lunch and dinner : vegetable steam rice, Thai style Tofu and Kunbu soup

Teatime: Soybean cookies and baby yogurt

Korean style cold noodle (凉拌乌冬面)
1 small bowl cooked noodle ( I used cooked udon)
1/2 golden pear
few drops lemon juice
1/2 tsp honey
some japanese cucumber 

1) cook noodle and set a side
2) blend the pear with few drops lemon juice and honey till smooth
3) pour the smooth blended puree onto the noodle and mix well
4) top with some shredded cucumber
5) ready to serve

Vegetable steam rice
1/2 cup white rice
1/2 cup bean sprout juice (blend bean sprout + water)
 pinch of salt 
1 tsp grapeseed oil

Steam in medium high fire for 15 mins

Thai style Tofu (Baby Style)
1/2 box hard Tofu
10 cherry tomatoes
1/4 cup water
1/4 golden pear (shredded)
1 tsp muscovado sugar

1) cut tofu into 2cm cube size, then deep fry till golden brown, set a side 
2) blend cherry tomatoes with water till smooth
3) heat pan and pour in the blended tomato juice, shredded pear and sugar
4) cook till sauce becomes thick, add in the fried Tofu, mix well and off fire.

Kunbu soup
1 pc 10cm x 15cm size Kunbu
1 pc seaweed
80g meat tenderloin
3-4 bowls water
dash of pepper powder

1) soak kunbu in water for 30mins, cut into smaller pieces
2) cut meat into slices / mince it
3) Boil water in a pot, add in meat and kunbu. Cook for 30mins
4) add in seaweed and cook for another 5 mins
5) add in dash of pepper powder and spring onion (optional)

Soybean Cookies
50g unsalted butter
30g egg
50g soy milk powder (sweet one) / baby formula milk powder / full cream milk powder
[if using unsweetened milk powder type, add 1 tbsp icing sugar/castor sugar]
50g superfine flour/cake flour/low protein flour

1) using whisk, beat butter till fluffy, add in sugar (skip sugar if sweetened milk powder is used) continue beating till dissolved
2) add in egg by 4-5 times, mix well each egg adding then only add another portion
3) add in soy milk powder, use spatula to mix well  
4) add in flour by 2 times, use spatula to fold in well combined, do not over mix
5) put the soft dough in plastic bag and roll flat into 4mm thickness.
(I am using 2 plastic bag 6" x 9", each bag consist about 100g dough)
6) put the flat dough to rest in the freezer for 15mins or fridge for 30mins
7) cut the sides of the plastic bag, as shown in photo below, use cookie cutter to press and cut out the cookies
8) place cookies on non stick baking sheet (or parchment paper) laid on the baking tray
9) bake at preheated oven of 160'C for 15-18mins or till light golden brown
10) place cookies on wire rack to cool down before storage in air tight container

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

25/8/2015 Tuesday

Happy Tuesday dear all~

I do know whether mummies notice that for my cooking rice or grains, I used to soak the grains overnight. I believe most of you know that it is recommended to soak rice and grains overnight prior cooking to break down phytic acid which hinders our body from absorbing optimum amount of nutrients. It's may be ok not to soak for adult, but it's highly recommended to do so for babies and children.

Why is it so important to remove/reduce phytic acid (phytates)?
Phytic acid is an antinutrient found in grains and legumes which binds important minerals preventing your body from fully absorbing them. Consumption of high levels of phytates:
• results in mineral deficiencies, leading to poor bone health and tooth decay
• blocks absorption of zinc, iron, phosphorous and magnesium
• causes body to leech calcium
• lowers metabolism
• contributes to anemia

Breakfast: IKEA Vegetable Medallions, edamama, watermelon and fresh milk

Lunch & Dinner: Stir Fried Udon and Seaweed Kunbu Soup

Teatime: Purple Sweet Potato Kikaku and Golden Pear Barley drink

This morning I was out of time to bake cookies so I just took out the frozen vegetable medallions and pan fry it only~ Yeah!! My time saver

IKEA Vegetable Medallions  
200g cooked mashed potato ( I used 1 big potato)
50g onion ( I used 3/4 big onion)
70g broccoli 
3g unsalted butter
30g shredded bega cheddar cheese
1/4 tsp garlic powder 
1/8 tsp pepper powder

To Shape:
~ 6cm diameter ring cutter
~ some rice flour for dusting

1) peel, slice and steam potato for 20-25mins (or till soft)
2) boil broccoli in water for 3 mins, then use scissors to cut the cooked broccoli into tiny size
3) slice and dice onion into tiny size
4) in a big bowl, roughly mash the potato with fork and add in butter while still hot 
5) mix mashed potato, broccoli, onion, and all other ingredients
6) divide into 7 portions (50g each), form ball shapes 
7) lay baking sheet on the baking tray
8) dip each potato ball into the rice flour, well coated
9) put the ball onto the ring cutter which placed on the baking sheet
10) press firmly and flatten the top surface, remove ring, continue with other potato balls (you may use any shape mould cutter)
11) bake at preheated oven of 180'C for 20-25mins or some light golden brown.
12) ready to serve warm~ yummy!

p/s: for unfinished vegetable medallions, just wrap individually in food wrap dust with some rice flour, keep in the freezer. For reheat, just put directly into the oven of 160'C for 20-30 mins OR pan fry with little bit oil with lid on about 5 mins each side.

200克 馬鈴薯泥(我用1個很大的馬鈴薯)
50克 大洋蔥(我用3/4個大洋蔥)
70克 西蘭花/綠椰菜花
3克 無鹽奶油
30克 切達乾乳酪
1/4茶匙 蒜粉
1/8茶匙 胡椒粉

〜圓形通心鋼模(直徑6 cm高1-2 cm)
〜5-10 克在來米粉/粘米粉

6)預熱烤箱至180'C, 烤盤鋪上不沾烤紙。

P / S:吃不完的菜薯餅,用保鮮紙,小心單獨包裝每個菜薯餅,放進冷凍庫存放。吃的時候,直接從冷凍庫取出,放進預熱160'C的烤箱,烤20-30分鐘,或用平底鍋,熱油後煎至兩面少許金黃色,關火悶10分鐘就好了。

Stir Fried Organic Spinach Noodle
Ingredients :
Dried Japanese UDON noodle or any types of noodle, cook as per instructions on the packaging (half cook is okay),  set aside. 

**My way of cooking to avoid mushy and soggy pasta and can last till dinner:~
1) I cook pasta as per instruction on packaging, 
2) drain away the hot water
3) soak pasta in a big bowl of ICE cold water for 30 seconds
4) drain away the cold water
5) add 1-2 tsp grapeseed oil or olive oil to the pasta and mix well**

1 clove garlic (sliced/crushed)
2 brown button mushroom (sliced)
1/2 bowl broccoli (cut)
1/2 bowl purple cabbage (coarsely chopped)
2 baby corn
1/2 tsp Liquid Amino + 3 tbsp water
some rice bran oil
dash of pepper powder

1) heat pan and add in some rice bran oil
2) sautéed garlic till fragrant 
3) add in mushrooms, cabbage, baby corn and broccoli, stir fry a while.
4) add in Liquid amino+water and close lid then shimmer for 1-2 mins.
5) open lid and add in the udon noodle. Add dash of pepper powder and stir fry for another 1 min and done.

Purple Sweet Potato Kikaku
50g Glutinous Flour 

100g All purpose flour 
30g Sugar ( i put 25g only, sweetness Okay)
1/2 tsp Instant dry yeast
15g Grape seed oil / any plain vege oil
200ml sweet potato puree (I used 100g cooked sweet potato and 100g water, blend till smooth)

*** please add 1/2 of liquid first then remaining just pour in slowly until a very soft dough is form, can stop adding liquid. If too sticky to hands, can add some oil..


1.)mix all ingredients till well combined. then divide dough into 9 portions.

2.)rub your hands with some oil, then roll each small dough into round, put on cleaned banana leave, then press slightly.

3.)Place the kikaku on the rack and put inside the steamer then close lid to proof for 15-20 mins.

4.)Steam at boiling water for 10 mins, off fire and remove from steamer immediately.

5.) brush some grape seed oil on the surface of kikaku to prevent skin dry.

Golden Pear Barley Drinks
1 Golden Pear (diced)
2 cups chinese barley (生熟薏米, as shown in photo below. In a pack of barley, I used half of it only for 1 serving
3 dried black mission Fig
1 honey date
3 cups hot water

Cook in slow cooker with auto mode for at least 2 hours. ready to serve warm

Monday, August 24, 2015

24/08/2015 Monday

Happy Monday Dear All~
What a lazy morning and after 2 houseworks to be done, I could only prepare simple foods for my 2yo lo...

Breakfast : cream cheese horn bread, hard-boiled egg and fresh milk
Lunch and dinner : lean pork goji berries porridge
Teatime : green beans kuih and watermelon

Cream cheese horn bread
(using 40 mins method bun recipe only)
1 teaspoon instant yeast
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 tablespoon caster sugar
1/3 cup warm milk
2 tablespoon rice bran oil
1 cup bread flour (can add more flour if too wet and can't form a dough)
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon beaten egg
remaining egg add in some milk for egg wash

Utensil needed: 6 cream horn moulds (available at bakery ingredients shops)

1) Add instant yeast, brown sugar, caster sugar, olive oil, milk into a mixing bowl, stirred it and rest aside for 15 mins till you will see floating foam as showed in the picture.
2) Mix in flour, salt and 1 tablespoon of beaten egg then use a spatula to fold and mix well the mixture into a dough form.
3) Then use electric kneading hook to knead for about 5-10 mins or till well combined.
4) Then take out the dough and hand knead for another 1-2 mins.
5) Divide dough into 6 portions (+- 48g each). Roll each into long strips and wind a strip around an ungreased horn mould from tapered point to wide end. 
6) Place on a greased baking tray, proof for another 20-25 minutes, in the OFF oven with a bowl of hot water.
7) Glaze with egg wash and sprinkle sesame seeds on top. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 10-15 minutes. (baking time vary for different oven)
8) Remove bread from the horn moulds. Cool bread on a wire rack. Pipe filling into the hollow centre. 

Ingredients for cream cheese fillings: 
50g cream cheese (room temperature)
1 tbsp icing sugar

To make cream cheese filling: Whip cream cheese till fluffy. Add in icing sugar. Beat till well combined.

Lean Pork Goji Berries Porridge
80g Pork Tenderloin
1 handful goji berries
1/2 cup mix grains rice (soak overnight)
dash of pepper powder

Green Bean Kuih (绿豆碗糕)
(1 serving size/ 1 bowl)
65g Precooked green bean/mung bean (you may use red bean too)
30g rice flour
3g corn flour
15g brown sugar
100g water

1) Grease bowl and put in the steamer, steam for 5 mins
2) mix all flours with 30g water till no more lumps
3) bowl sugar with 70g water till dissolved
4) add the boiling sugar water into the flour mixture, mix well
5) pour the batter into the hot bowl inside the steamer, add in the precooked mung bean
6) steam in high heat for 10-12 mins

Friday, August 21, 2015

21/8/2015 Friday

Happy Friday dear all mummies... 

I was trying to bake the remainder dough of potato crackers but the thawed dough was too wet and I couldn't manage to shape and bake it.. Therefore,  I have to make a note to mummies that trying to bake the said crackers about this incident. 

This morning I was thinking to bake pasta for my 2yo lo but I had no idea how to bake it in a nice shape ended up with this funny idea.... PASTA PIZZA.... It's a Pasta??? Or It's a Pizza??? hahahaha... 

For baby friendly sushi, I prefer to tear the seaweed into small pieces then only coated it to the rice. The purpose of doing so is to ease the baby in chewing the seaweed as the moist seaweed is very difficult to be torn by baby's teeth.

Breakfast : PASTA PIZZA, cucumber and fresh milk 
Lunch : Baby Sushi and winter melon soup
Teatime: Cheese crackers and baby yogurt
Dinner: White Rice with Beetroot soup and stir fry vegetables

1/2 cup cooked Spiral Pasta
1/3 cup cooked chicken floss meat
1 baby corn (sliced)
1 swiss brown mushroom
1 clove garlic (crushed)
dash of pepper power
dash of dried parsley
20-25g cheddar cheese

pizza dough ingredients:
1/3 cup self raising flour
2 tbsp natural plain yogurt

1) Heat oil in pan and saute garlic till fragrant
2) add baby corn, mushroom and chicken floss meat, stir fry for 1 min
3) add in dash of pepper powder and off fire
4) pour in the cooked pasta and mix well, set aside
5) in a bowl, add in self raising flour, slowly add in the yogurt and mix and knead till dough is formed.
6) divide dough into 5-6 portions, roll and press each dough into round flat shape on the parchment paper which laid on the baking tray
7) shred some cheddar cheese on top of each pizza dough, then put the stir fried pasta above the cheese
8) sprinkle some dried parsley and shred cheese again above the pasta
9) bake at preheated oven of 200'C for 10-15mins

1/2 cup Japanese sushi rice
1 tsp rice vinegar
1/3 tsp sugar
1/3 sheet seaweed
1/2 Japanese cucumber (kyuri)
some homemade chicken floss

1) cook the sushi rice in a rice cooker
2) once the rice is cooked, pour in vinegar and sugar, mix well
3) when rice is cool down a bit
4) Place the sushi mat on a working surface. The bamboo strings should go sideways so you can roll them up. And put a sheet of cling wrap on the bamboo mat, 
5) Scoop rice on the cling wrap and spread the rice evenly with both fingers. Wet your fingers in dipping water if rice starts to stick to your fingers.
6) Place the filling (kyuri / chicken floss) at the middle of rice. Hold the filling down using your fingers.
7) With one swift movement, roll the sushi over the filling and land right where the edge of the rice is.
8) Don’t move the sushi mat yet and gently shape and tighten the roll with your fingers from outside of the mat. Shape the sushi roll into round. 
9) open the cling wrap, sprinkle the seaweed pieces/chicken floss the rice surface and coated well.
10) To cut a sushi roll, wet your knife with a damp towel and cut the roll in half first. You should “push then pull” the knife while cutting through the sushi. Wet the knife again and cut each half roll into 6 pieces. (Baby's edible size)

Cheese Crackers
60g all purpose flour (sifted)
20g shredded cheddar cheese
15g Olive oil/any vege oil
1 tsp Dried Parsley
1/2 tsp castor sugar
1-2 tbsp cold milk / cold water

1) Mix flour with dried parsley, sugar and cheese in a bowl
2) add in oil and rub with hand till bread crumbs texture
3) add in cold milk slowly and form a dough (do not add in all in the same, once dough is form, can stop adding milk)
4) separate dough into 2 same portions, put in 2 plastic bags (bag size is 6" X 9") and roll till 6" x 6" with 2mm thickness flat dough
5) put in the fridge to rest for 30 mins for easier handling
6) cut the sides of the plastic bag and use knife to cut out 8 even size rectangular shape
7) lift up each slice carefully and lay on a parchment paper laid on a baking tray
8) use fork or mini cookie cutter to poke holes or stamp some shapes on the crackers
9) bake at preheated oven of 160'C for 12-15 mins, then let them sit in the oven until cool down
10) keep in air tight container 

Today record myself with the last pack of frozen breastmilk to be consumed by my 2yo lo and also I officially completed my milk pumping course for 2 years. 

Thursday, August 20, 2015

20/8/2015 Thursday

Hi dear all mummies ~ 
I must admit that I am a failed baker in Egg Tart.. So far I have tried baking about 4-5 times since few years ago. I almost phobia to bake egg tart but luckily listened to my friend's advice not to give up. Well, today i baked egg tarts for my family and can be said it is my best egg tart so far. For my lo, I gave her the egg filling only as the tart skin is pastry puff, so fat and not advisable to give always...  

Breakfast: a slice of black sesame swirl bread, vanilla egg pudding, (hard-boiled egg as back up food in case she doesn't like the egg pudding), orange and fresh milk

Lunch and Dinner: Chicken Rice and Beetroot Onion soup

Teatime: Cheese Crackers and red bean dessert

Vanilla Egg Pudding (actually is the remainder from egg tart filling)
2 large eggs
125ml fresh milk
30g Castor sugar 
1/2 tsp Vanilla Bean Paste (optional)

1) Boil milk and sugar in low fire until all sugar dissolved. Off fire.
2) add in vanilla bean paste and stir well, set aside to turn warm
3) whisk eggs and slowly add in the warm milk till well combined
4) place a kitchen towel on a bowl, sieve the egg mixture and flow on the kitchen towel then the bowl (this is to minimize the bubbles created)
5) pour the sieved egg mixture into ramekin bowls
6) baked at preheated oven of 180'C for 25mins or the topping turns some golden brown



Steam Tomato Chicken Rice
1/2 cup White Rice 
6 cherry tomatoes 
1 pc Chicken drumstick (marinated with Grape juice for at least 30mins)
1 clove garlic (crushed)
1 shallot
2 small slices of ginger
dash of pepper powder
1tsp Amino Liquid

1) Heat pan, add some oil, sauteed garlic, ginger and shallot till fragrant.
2) Add in drumstick and stir fry till light golden brown.
3) Put soaked rice in a bowl, add in the stir fried drumstick, add in the tomato and 1/2 cup of soup stock/water
4) Steam for 15-20mins.

Beetroot Onion Soup
1 beetroot, 10 cherry tomatoes, 2 chicken tights, 1 chicken breast, 1 big onion and some butternut.

1) blanch the chicken tights
2) cut all ingredients into small pieces if necessary
3) Cook all ingredients in a big pot of water in high fire for 10 mins, then 2 hours in small fire.

Cheese Crackers
60g all purpose flour (sifted)
20g shredded cheddar cheese
15g Olive oil/any vege oil
1 tsp Dried Parsley
1/2 tsp castor sugar
1-2 tbsp cold milk / cold water

1) Mix flour with dried parsley, sugar and cheese in a bowl
2) add in oil and rub with hand till bread crumbs texture
3) add in cold milk slowly and form a dough (do not add in all in the same, once dough is form, can stop adding milk)
4) separate dough into 2 same portions, put in 2 plastic bags (bag size is 6" X 9") and roll till 6" x 6" with 2mm thickness flat dough
5) put in the fridge to rest for 30 mins for easier handling
6) cut the sides of the plastic bag and use knife to cut out 8 even size rectangular shape
7) lift up each slice carefully and lay on a parchment paper laid on a baking tray
8) use fork or mini cookie cutter to poke holes or stamp some shapes on the crackers
9) bake at preheated oven of 160'C for 12-15 mins, then let them sit in the oven until cool down
10) keep in air tight container 





Red Bean Dessert
65g pre-cooked red bean
1.5 tsp brown sugar
1 tbsp fresh milk
2 pandan leaves
2/3 cup water

Boil for 2-3 mins and ready to serve warm

