
Just Sharing healthy foods for little ones from 9mo~3yo++
blog started on 17/3/2015

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

22/11/2017 蘭花巧克力果凍/燕菜

Easy Banana Pancake
1 banana (45g without skin)
1 egg (53g without shell)
1 tbsp plain flour (10g)

1) blend banana and egg till smooth. Add in flour and stir well with a spoon.Steps:
1) Blend banana and egg till smooth
2) add in flour and stir well
3) heat pan with little olive oil and wipe off with kitchen towel.
4) place the pan onto a damp cloth or water to cool down and return to stove.
5) use measurement spoon to scoop 1 tbsp batter on the pan until no more space.
6) close the lid for 30secs ~ 1 min
7) open lid and you shall see little holes on the pancakes are formed.
8) flip carefully to another side if it is light golden brown underneath.
9) close the and pan fry for another 30seconds. DONE~

53克 全蛋液(我用大的雞蛋)
1湯匙 普通麵粉

1 )首先,用攪拌機把香蕉和雞蛋打成糊狀。
2 )然後加入麵粉,用湯匙攪拌均勻。
3 )放少許橄欖油在熱的平底不粘鍋,再用廚房紙巾抹勻。
4 )將平底鍋放在濕布上或水面降溫,放回火爐上。
5 )倒所有的麵糊在平底鍋裡。
6 )蓋上鍋蓋30秒 〜 1分鐘。
7 )打開鍋蓋,會看到煎餅表面很多的小孔形成了。
8 )小心地翻面。
9 )蓋上蓋子再燜30秒。好了。

雞腿/雞翅膀 2个
甜橙汁 1粒
海鹽 適量
胡椒粉 適量
玉米粉 1/8茶匙


Orange chicken 
2 pcs Chicken drumsticks / chicken wings
1pc Sweet orange (blend and get the juice with little pulps)
1-2 Sweet orange slices
Sea salt to taste
dash of Pepper powder
1/8 tsp Corn starch

1) standby all ingredients.
2) heat pan and add in rice bran oil, pan fry chicken till both sides light golden brown.
3) Mix the corn starch into the sweet orange juice and pour it into the pan, cook till sauce is thicken.
4) add in sea salt and pepper powder, place on the orange slice and done.


150ml 蘭花水(蘭花汁 + 清水) 
1/2茶匙 燕菜粉
1/8茶匙 果凍粉
12克 砂糖

100g 熱水
10克 無糖純可可粉
200ml 鮮奶
1茶匙 燕菜粉
1/4茶匙 果凍粉
25克 砂糖


I am using Japanese Agar-agar and Instant Jelly powder

Blue Pea Flower Agar-agar
(A: Blue portion)
150ml blue pea flower water (Blue pea flower juice + water)
1/2 tsp  Agar-agar powder
1/8 tsp instant jelly powder
12 grams of sugar

(B: Chocolate portion)
100g hot water
10g pure cocoa powder
200ml fresh milk / uht milk
1 tsp  Agar-agar powder
1/4 tsp instant jelly powder
25-30 grams of sugar

Blue Pea Juice pre-cooked: 5 nos of blue pea flowers cook with some water and boil for 1 minute then turn off the fire, the longer time the flower soaking the deeper color it will be.

1) Start with the blue portion, put all ingredients A into a small pot, mix well and bring to a boil.
2) pour the cooked ingredients A into moulds, then put in the fridge for a faster cooling.
3) While waiting for it harden, add cocoa powder into the hot water. Stir till dissolved then pour into another small pot by adding all other ingredients B, mix well and bring to a boil too. 
4) Take out the mould from the fridge and use a toothpick to lightly scratch on the harden surface of the blue pea flower agar-agar. Pour in the chocolate agar-agar.  Wrap with cling wrap and store in the fridge till completely harden before serving.

Monday, November 20, 2017

布列塔尼酥餅 Galettes bretonnes 18/11/2017

I was having lunch at the Pavilion on 17/11/2017 (Friday). After meal, we had a window shopping before heading to our Spa treatments. We saw this type of cookies named "Galettes bretonnes" & it is RM2 per piece.
Last night, after dinner, I started to search recipe online and decided to make it by following the recipe by 4F COOKING HOME. But my unsalted butter only left 90g which the recipe requires 120g. Thinking to proportionate the quantity but I have forgotten and weighted the ingredients in original recipe. So, I have no choice but modify the quantities by changing the egg yolk into whole egg, wine into vanilla extract with low oil version which is suitable to toddlers too.... Phew~ luckily it was successfully baked and the taste is great!!!!!


Galettes bretonnes

中筋麵粉 .......... 120g
泡打粉 .......... 1g
杏仁粉 .......... 80g
奶油 (室温软化).......... 90g
砂糖 .......... 45g
鹽 .......... 2g
雞蛋 .......... 1顆
蘭姆酒 .......... 5ml (香草精代替)

蛋液 .......... 少許(從食譜裡的雞蛋取1湯匙)

1. 中筋麵粉、泡打粉與杏仁粉混合過篩備用。
2. 奶油、砂糖與鹽放入攪拌器攪拌,加入步驟1的粉類。
3. 加入蛋黃與蘭姆酒。
4. 拌勻即可不要攪拌過度,若奶油較軟可以保鮮膜包起,冷藏約1個小時使其充分冷卻變硬。
5. 取出麵糰以桿麵棍壓成約1cm的厚度,以環狀烤模切出形狀,刷上蛋液後以叉子劃出線條。
6. 以攝氏180度烤20分鐘至上色即可。

Galettes bretonnes
120g All Purpose flour
1g aluminium free Baking Powder
80g Ground Almond
90g unsalted butter (soften in room temp)
45g organic cane sugar
2g sea salt
1 pc egg
5ml Rum wine (I used vanilla extract)

egg wash on surface:
1 tbsp egg from the "1 egg" in the recipe

1. Sieve  all purpose flour, baking powder and ground almond, set aside.
2. In a big bowl, add in butter, sugar and salt, beat till well combined, add in the sieved flour.
3. Add in egg and rum / vanilla extract.
4. Using spatula to mix well (do not over mix), if the dough is too soft to handle, wrap in plastic wrap, refrigerate about 1 hour till harden.
5. Remove the dough and roll it into a thickness of about 1cm, with a ring shaped mold cutter to cut out shape, brush some egg wash on the surface then use a fork to draw the lines.
* If baking with a ring-shaped mold, remember to apply butter inside the ring.
Bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes or till light brown colour.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

焦糖奶油千層酥 (少甜版) Caramel Puff Pastry Biscuits

Happy weekend dear all mommies!
Hear say there is a super hot snack in Korea named Samlip Benedine "Caramel Pastry Puff Biscuits"
I found the recipe shared and feedbacks are too sweet for somebody that don't like too sweet. I have modified the recipe to make it just nice in sweetness. Oh yes! I made it! This sinful snack is truly sinful which you can't stop once you start eating!!!
My gal likes it so much. She doesn't wanna share with me when I ask for some from her. So, you can imagine how yummy is it! 😋😋😋😝😝😝

(suitable for baby above 2 years old)

A. 冷凍酥皮10片 (我的烤盤一盤剛好擺5片的量)

B. 蛋白糖霜:蛋白1個、糖粉60g(原食譜130g)、低筋麵粉20g、玉米粉10g(原食譜:沒有)

C.焦糖液: 細砂60克、水15克,鮮奶油50克。
[做法:使用瓦斯爐煮,鮮奶油先隔水加熱備用。細砂加水,中途不攪拌,煮至咖啡色後離火加入鮮奶油拌勻,待冷後裝入擠花袋備用 。 ]




4)把作法2的蛋白糖霜以畫螺旋的方式擠上千層酥皮,邊邊大約留0.1公分,糖霜不會流出去喔! 糖霜很自然的填滿酥皮。



7)如果一次只烤1盤,烘烤約10分鐘後打開爐門,把烤盤調轉(里外對調)繼續烘烤10-15 分鐘。 (我有顧爐,畢竟每台烤箱溫度不同)

如果一次烤2盤,時間設定25分鐘,烤12分鐘後把烤盤上下對調,並將烤盤轉(里外對調)重新放入烤箱,調低烤箱溫度到160'C繼續烘烤10-15 分鐘。 




視頻示範 : 擠糖霜和焦糖醬
Video Demo: how to squeeze the meringue and caramel

Caramel Crispy Puff Pastry Biscuits
(Less sweet version)
A. 10pcs pastry puff  (my baking tray can lay 5pcs )

B. Sugar Meringue frosting: 1pc egg white, 60g powdered sugar (original recipe was 130g), 20g low protein flour, 10g corn flour  (original recipe: if using 130g powdered sugar, omit this)

C. caramel sauce: 60g sugar, 15g water, 50g whipping cream / heavy cream
Cook with gas stove:
double boil heavy cream till hot, off fire and keep dipping in the hot water. Use another pot, pour in sugar and water, cook under medium fire till boiling (do not stir) and colour getting brownish (till a bit lighter than the colour desired) then off fire. Add in the warmed heavy cream and mix well with wooden spatula (beware of the mixture might splash out a little) . Pour the caramel sauce into piping bag after cooling down. Set aside.

1) Remove the puff pastry from freezer, thawed slightly at room temperature.

2) Beat the egg white with electric whisk till bubbling, add in powdered sugar, beat till no lumps then add in sieved flour and continue beating for a while.  Pour the meringue into a piping bag too. set aside.

3) Use a sharp knife and dust with some flour, cut the puff pastry into 16 equally square pieces. Lay the mini puff pastry onto the baking tray which laid with baking sheet.

4) Cut a small hole to the piping bag with meringue, squeeze the sugar meringue by way to draw a spiral on the mini puff pastry (leaving about 0.1 cm at the sides to prevent excess sugar meringue flow out of the surface of the mini puff pastry.

5) Preheat the oven to 190'C now before proceed to the next step.

6) all mini puff pastry are full with sugar meringue on the surface, cut the piping bag with caramel sauce with a tiny hole and draw a "X" marking on each sugar meringue topped puff pastry. practice more will avoid shaking hand.

7) If you only bake a plate at a time, bake for about 10 minutes and then open the oven door, turn the baking tray (inside - out), return the baking tray into oven and continue baking for 10-15 minutes. 

If you bake 2 dishes at a time, set the time for 25 minutes, switch the baking tray up and down and also inside-out after baking for 12 minutes, then lower the temperature to 160'C and continue baking for 10-15 minutes. 
***(watching the oven to avoid over burnt. Different oven temperature is different)***

8) Remove the caramel puff pastry cookies out of the oven, cool down before storing in air tight container

When squeezing caramel, the hole must be small enough to squeeze the ultra-fine lines, baked lines will be beautiful!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

2/11/2017 平底鍋煎包 (蜜蜂)Pan Cook Buns (Bee)

Good day dear all mommies!
Today supposed just need to cook lunch for my gal as breakfast will be soft boiled egg and mango yogurt milk, then teatime will have young coconut juice which didn't cut by MIL yesterday.
My friend and her family are travelling for holidays so I was thinking to make some pan cooked buns for her gal as snack when hungry. I have made.her plain design red bean pan cooked buns as time limited they needed to rush to airport. After she took the buns away, I continued shaping the remaining dough into bee buns with red bean filling.

Pan Cook Buns (Bee)
Ingredients: (yield 8-11 buns)
150g All purpose Flour
1 tbsp homemade pumpkin powder (optional)
3g (3/4 tsp) Instant Dry Yeast
85-95ml warm milk
10g olive oil/grapeseed oil/rice bran oil/any vege oil
15g sugar

1) in a mixing bowl, add in all ingredients.
2) mix and knead till hand is clean, bowl is clean and dough is smooth.
3) cover dough with clean damp cloth, rest for 10-15mins.
4) divide dough into 9 equally portions (29g each), take out 10g to mix with bamboo charcoal powder (for black colour) 
5) wrap in filling (I used store bought red bean filing of 10g in each dough) and decorated with the black colour dough

Pan cook method:
6a) place buns in a non stick pan (no oil needed), close lid and proof for 20-30mins.
7a) pan cook with smallest fire for 5-8 mins.
8a) over turn the bread and pan cook till both sides golden brown.

Oven method:
6b) place buns on baking tray laid with parchment paper, proof for 20-30mins inside off oven.
7b) remove baking tray from the oven, preheat oven till 150'C.
8b) bake at preheated oven of 150'C for 10 mins.
p/s: for nicer outlook, just simply pan fry without oil both sides golden brown.

平底鍋煎包 (蜜蜂)
自製南瓜粉 1湯匙
酵母3g (3/4茶匙)
溫牛奶 / 水 85-95g

4) 把麵團分成9等分(每個29克), 取10克加入竹碳粉成黑色麵團作造型。

a)放入平底不沾鍋不需抹油,發酵20-25分鐘。 。


Before proofing 发酵前

6a) place buns in a non stick pan (no oil needed), close lid and proof for 20-30mins.
7a) pan cook with smallest fire for 5-8 mins.

8a) over turn the bread and pan cook till both sides golden brown.

almost done!!快好了!

It is done!! 可以上碟了!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

31/10/2017 (TUE) DRUM PANCAKES大鼓燒






[Drum Pancakes]
 Egg yolk batter: 2 egg yolks, 25g vegetable oil, 5g corn flour, 35g low protein flour, 45g milk

Meringue: 2 egg whites,  25g sugar 

I use mango pineapple jam this time
you may use~
** fresh cream 150g whipped + fruit jam
** fresh cream 150g whipped + green tea powder / purple sweet potato powder / cocoa powder / any fruit and vegetable powder
** Store bought sugar-free jam / peanut butter
** or any jam / peanut butter (homemade / buy)
** Mayonese + meat floss
** mashed sweet potato 
** Cream Cheese sauce

1) Brush a thin layer of butter on the baking tray, sprinkle high protein flour on it,  knock to remove excess flour. (Please click for video demohow to dust your baking trayThis step is very important which your pancakes surface won't sticky.
2) use a round shape coop on the dusted baking tray to get all same size circle marking (rice measuring cup can be used) (I didn't do this step, just feel the size of the batter by sight judgement)
3) sieve the low protein flour and corn flour, set aside
4) put oil into a small pot, cook under small fire until you can see the oil marks, pour in the low protein flour and corn flour, mix well with wooden spatula, and then slowly add in egg yolk and fresh milk, mix well. egg yolk batter is done.
5) Place the egg whites into a clean bowl and whisk till bubbly then add in sugar by 2 portions. Continue whisking until medium hard peaks form, approximately 3 minutes.
6) Transfer 1/3 of the egg whites to the egg yolk batter and mix well. Add the remaining egg whites and fold in gently. 
7) Pour batter into a piping bag (no need nozzle) or plastic bag, cut 6-8mm hole at the edge and gently squeeze out batter onto the dusted baking tray with circle marking (just like making macarons ^.*)
8) Bake at preheated oven of 170'C for 18-22mins or light golden brown on the surface.
9) Remove and place the pancake on the wire rack for cooling down.
10) Spread a thin layer of jam / peanut butter on one side of the pancake then place another pancake and stick together.

在铁網架上降温中 cooling down~ ~

Cashew Nut Chicken Fillet
2 pcs chicken fillet
2 tbsp roasted cashew nuts
1 clove garlic (crushed)
1/8 tsp liquid amino
1/2 tsp organic cane sugar
pinch of pepper powder
1/16 tsp dark soy sauce
pinch of sea salt

1) cube the chicken fillet, add in liquid amino, sugar and pepper powder, marinate for a while.
2) heat pan and add in some oil, sauteed garlic till fragrance
3) add in chicken fillet and stir fry for a while, then add in the cashew nut when chicken fillet is almost cooked.
4) add in pinch of salt, sugar, dark soy sauce and 1/4 cup water, cook till thickening then can off fire.