
Just Sharing healthy foods for little ones from 9mo~3yo++
blog started on 17/3/2015

Monday, November 23, 2015

23/11/2015 Monday 紫薯奶油奶酪牛角麵包/螺旋卷麵包

Purple Sweet Potato cream cheese Horn Bread
100g All Purpose Flour
1/2 tsp Instant Dry Yeast
65-70ml Warm Fresh Milk/fullcream milk/formula milk
10g olive oil/grapeseed oil/rice bran oil/any vege oil
10g sugar
pinch of salt

Egg Wash: 1 quail egg (lightly beaten) or milk

80g mashed sweet potato
40g cream cheese 
To make cream cheese filling: Sieve mashed sweet potato through a strainer. Add in cream cheese and stir till well combined.

Utensil needed: 5 cream horn moulds (available at bakery ingredients shops)

1) in a mixing bowl, add in all ingredients 
2) mix and knead till hand is clean, bowl is clean and dough is smooth. (roughly 5mins )
3) cover dough with clean damp cloth, rest for 10mins
4) divide dough into 5 equally portions (37g each), Roll each into long strips and wind a strip around a greased horn mould from tapered point to wide end. (roughly 5mins)
6) Place on a greased baking tray, proof for another 30 minutes, in the OFF oven with a bowl of hot water.
7) Glaze with egg wash and sprinkle sesame seeds on top (optional). Bake in a preheated oven at 180'C for 10-15 minutes or till light golden brown. (baking time vary for different oven)
8) Remove bread from the horn moulds. Cool bread on a wire rack. Pipe filling into the hollow centre. 

100克 中筋麵粉
1/2茶匙 即發乾酵母
65-70毫升 溫鮮奶/全脂奶 /配方奶
10克 橄欖油/葡萄籽油/米糠油/任何菜油
10克 蔗糖


80克 紫薯泥
40克 奶油奶酪


1. 粉類過篩。
2. 所有的材料全部拌勻,拌至無粉的狀態,碗和手都乾淨即可。(5分鍾)
3. 蓋上擰乾的濕布醒麵10分鐘。
4. 把麵團分成5份(每份37克), 每份麵團整形成長約40CM的長條,將麵條粘緊在抹過油的螺管的尖頭處,再一圈一圈地繞完螺管,底部也要粘緊。放入烤盤蓋上保鮮膜,放在溫暖處發酵約30分鐘。 (我放進烤箱裡,加一碗熱水)
5. 麵團表面均勻地刷上蛋液,送進已經預熱的烤箱180度,烘烤10-15分鐘或上色。
6. 麵包放涼後,將紫薯奶油奶酪醬擠在麵包內部。

Fusilli Pasta with Avocado Broccoli sauce
Pasta or any types of desired pasta, cook as per instructions 

My way of cooking to avoid mushy and soggy pasta:~
1) I cook pasta as per instruction on packaging, 
2) drain away the hot water
3) soak pasta in a big bowl of ICE cold water for 30 seconds
4) drain away the cold water
5) add 1-2 tsp rice bran oil or olive oil to the pasta and mix well

for reheating:~
1) Just scoop out the pasta portion, steam for 5 mins.
2) Pour in the heated pasta sauce
3) Ready to serve~ 

Avocado Broccoli sauce 
5 cloves garlic (sliced)
1/2 mashed avocado 
1/2 bowl broccoli
15g cheddar cheese
1/2 cup full cream milk
1 cup water
some pepper powder and Italian herbs

1) fast boil broccoli in boiling water for 2 mins
2) blend broccoli, avocado and milk till smooth
3) heat pan, add some olive oil, sauteed the garlic till fragrant
4) add in the blended broccoli, avocado puree and water. 
5) add in cheddar cheese, cook till boiling and cheese melted.
6) Off fire and add in pepper powder and Italian herbs. Ready to serve warm.

Sugarless Apple Cheese Cookies
45g grated apple (after drain off juice)
1 egg yolk
100g all purpose flour / cake flour
30g unsalted butter
20g grated cheddar cheese

1) beat butter and grated cheese till well combined
2) add in egg yolk and mix well.
3) add in grated apple and mix well too.
4) sieve in flour and gently fold in and finally use hand to form dough. (Do not over knead)
5) place dough in the cling wrap and roll the dough till 3-4mm thick. (Store in the fridge for 20-30mins if can't be handled easily)
6) cut by cookies cutter and gently touch up the exposed grated apple. Place on parchment paper carefully. 
7) bake at preheated oven at 180'C for 12-15mins, then lower to 150'C for 5 mins or till lightly golden brown

蘋果絲45g (大概1粒蘋果,刨絲,過篩取絲而已)
蛋黃 1顆
低筋麵粉 100g
無鹽奶油 30g
車打起司 20g

8.放進已經預熱到180度c的烤箱中烘烤12-15分鐘,再將溫度調整為150度烘烤5分鐘即可。 (時間依照餅乾厚度適當調整,不要烤焦哦~)