
Just Sharing healthy foods for little ones from 9mo~3yo++
blog started on 17/3/2015

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

24/6/2015 Wednesday 和风芝薯茶巾絞

Once again a brand new day for mummy to cook for her beloved little girl. I was not able to wake up at 4.15am but ended up at 5.20am....;P So, my cooking time was a bit rush but luckily last night before sleeping time, I have prepared the knead-less bread dough and stored in the fridge.

Breakfast: Super yummy soft cheesy bun (Knead-less method) and fresh milk
Lunch and Dinner: Stir Fried Tomato noodles
Teatime: Japanese Tea-Towel Sweet Potato Dessert(和风芝薯茶巾絞) and Pear Barley Drink
Super soft knead-less cheese bun 
(Yield 8 small buns)
75g Milk
150g high protein flour
20g muscovado sugar or any sugar
pinch of sea salt
20g soy milk powder
1/2 egg
1/2 tsp instant dry yeast
18g unsalted butter (room temperature) / olive oil

For Topping:
10g grated cheddar cheese

1) mix all ingredients in a big bowl.Knead till combine and dough is formed (I spent less than 1 min)
2) cover bowl with cling wrap, leave a small hole for air flow.
3) keep in the fridge 2 hours onwards, after 2 hours, you may take out and shape any time.
4) take out the wet dough and place on a greased mat, I use some oil to grease my hands too.
5) divide dough into 8 equally small dough and let it rest for 5 mins. Roll and form round bun. 
6) place the formed buns on the baking tray, sprinkle the grated cheese on each buns.
7) put baking tray inside the oven (power off) and proof for 30mins. You may place a bowl of hot water inside the oven to help the proofing process better.
7) after 25mins, Remove the baking tray from the oven. Pre-heat the oven at 170'C for 5 mins.
8) Bake the buns for 16 mins or till light golden brown
9) brush some unsalted butter on the bread surface for better appearance. 

免揉超軟奶酪麵包 (Yen Li的做法)


材料:牛奶150g,速發乾酵母1小匙,高筋麵粉300g,細砂糖40克,鹽 一小撮,奶粉30克,雞蛋1顆,無鹽奶油35g(可用橄欖油替代),切达奶酪絲適量


1. 奶油放室溫軟化

2. 將所有材料放入鋼盆內攪拌均勻
3. 放入樂扣盒中但不要蓋緊,讓空氣可進入
4. 放入冷藏兩小時到一天,隨時都可以拿出來整形(冷藏越久甜味越淡)
5. 將冰箱中的麵拿出來整型,麵很溼軟,可以多撒些麵並在桌子上抹油,也在双手抹些油。
6. 把麵分成6-8份小麵,搓圓後用保鮮紙覆蓋,休麵5分鐘後才再整型。
7. 整形好直接放在烤盤上,并和一碗熱水一起送進没開電源的烤箱裡發酵約30分鐘或至雙倍大。
8. 發酵後的麵包涂抹蛋液,攦上適量的乳酪絲。
9. 放入已經預熱至170度c的烤箱中,烘烤16分鐘或表面上色即可。

备注:今早从冰箱里取出面团后,休面团 10分钟后,我把面团分成2份。 1分做成8个迷你的小面包和把另一部分存放在冷冻库,以便在1周内使用

Stir Fried Tomato Noodle
Ingredients :
Organic Tomato noodle or any types of noodle, cook as per instructions on the packaging (half cook is okay),  set aside 

1 clove garlic (sliced)
2 brown button mushroom (sliced)
2" yellow zuchinni
1/2 egg
1/2 bowl Baby Spinach (coarsely chopped)
1 tsp Liquid Amino + 3 tbsp water
some Olive oil
dash of pepper powder

1) heat pan and add in olive oil
2) sautéed garlic till fragrant 
3) add in egg and stir fry become crumble egg
4) add in the mushrooms and zuchinni, stir fry a while
5) add in baby spinach, Liquid amino+water and finally the half cooked noodle. and dash of pepper powder 
6) stir fry for another 1 min and done

和风芝薯茶巾絞 (Japanese Tea-Towel Dessert) 茶巾是日本茶道中用来擦茶具的的麻布。 ちゃきんしぼり(茶巾绞 Chia-kin Shibori), 就是用这块小抹布包裹着薯泥之类的材料拧制成小团子。 The Japanese often uses the tea-towel,  which functions as a rag to wipe the utensils of their tea-set.  This Tea-Towel Dessert is formed by using the tea-towel to wrap and mould the dessert into the desired shape.

Japanese Sweet Potato Shibori
100g cooked japanese sweet potato 
10g cream cheese

1) slice the sweet potato (with skin on) then steam for 15mins
2) peel off sweet potato skin and weight it to get 100g
3) mash the sweet potato with a fork or spoon by adding the cream cheese while it is still hot. Mix well.
4) use a 1-Teaspoon spoon to scoop the soft dough to have uniform size of the balls
5) place 1 ball onto a cling wrap and lift up all 4 corners then twist the ball (about 5-8 times) gently to form the tea towel shape, then open the cling wrap and gently take out the shaped ball, place on a non-stick baking sheet laid on baking tray.
6) repeat all balls until finish (can yield about 15 balls)
7) bake at preheated oven of 180'C for 15mins or till lightly golden brown.

FOR VIDEO DEMO, please click on the link
How to twist Shibori

日本蕃薯泥  100克

1. 將一個蕃薯(連皮)切片,放在蒸盘裡,蒸15分鐘。
2. 去皮,秤出100克的蕃薯。
3. 用叉子或湯匙,攪爛成蕃薯泥,并趁熱加入奶油乳酪拌匀。
4. 用量匙(1茶匙)舀出每一个相等份量的薯泥。
5. 准备一块干净的纱布或保鲜膜,居中放上一份蕃薯泥,将纱布或保鲜膜的四角聚拢至中心,顺一个方向绞紧后再打开,放在烤盘上。
6. 重复5.至全部薯泥用完(大概可以做15個)
7. 放進已經預熱180度的烤箱,烤15分鐘或至略带金黄色。


Golden Pear Barley Drinks
2 cups chinese barley (生熟薏米)
1/2 golden pear (sliced)
3 dried melon strips
8 pcs dried fig
3 cups hot water

Cook in slow cooker with auto mode for at least 2 hours. ready to serve warm

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