
Just Sharing healthy foods for little ones from 9mo~3yo++
blog started on 17/3/2015

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

throw back 23/12/2014 Tuesday

Good morning~ What a lazy morning because of the rain~
Breakfast: Eggless Strawberry pancake + orange juice + raisin
Lunch: alphabet pasta with cheese sauce
Teatime: Milky Bun + Barley drink

Eggless Strawberry Pancake
Strawberry puree 40g
natural yogurt 40g
Cake flour 50g
milk 2 tbsp
honey 1 tbsp
olive oil 1 tsp
aluminum free baking powder 1/3 tsp
mix everything together and stir well.
heat pan and scoop a tsp spoon batter each time till pan is full.
close lid for 1 min then turn over the pancake and pan fry till both sides golden brown.

cook pasta as per instruction. drain away water. soak in cold icy water for 30 secs. drain away icy water. put 1 tsp olive oil and mix well.
Cream Cheese sauce
1 shitake mushroom (cubed)
2 cloves garlic
1 broccoli florets
1/2 slice of chicken ham
20g cream cheese
1 tbsp shredded bega cheddar cheese
1 tsp cake flour + 2 tbsp water
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup fullcream milk
1) saute garlic with olive olive.
2) add in the ham, broccoli and shitakemushroom
3) stir fry a while then add in water to shimmer for 3 mins.
4) add in milk, cream cheese and cheese, cook till boil.
5) add in the flour mixture and stir a while (shall become thicken now)
6) off fire and ready to serve with pasta.

My lo finished 99% of the cheese pasta from the qty i cooked today!!!! I never expect she could finish that much as i cooked extra for myself to eat some (mummy is cheese lover) @@

The bear shape 40min bun was baked yesterday. Mummy took 2 pcs this morning without reheating but still nice. lo will take the bun with reheating by steaming later by my mil.

40 mins method soft milk bun
1 teaspoon instant yeast
2 tablespoon muscovado sugar (or molasses/brown sugar)
1/3 cup (80ml) warm milk
2 tablespoon olive oil
1 cup bread flour + 1 tablespoon cake flour
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon beaten egg
remaining egg add in some milk for egg wash
some grated cheese 

1. Add instant yeast, brown sugar, caster sugar, olive oil, milk into a mixing bowl, stirred it and rest aside for 15 mins till you will see floating foam.
2. Mix in flour, salt and 1 tablespoon of beaten egg then use a spatula to fold and mix well the mixture into a dough form. 
3.if use bread maker ---> put in breadmaker, function “dough” for 20mins
3.if use stand mixer ---> use electric kneading hook to knead for about 10-15 mins or till well combined. Then take out the dough and hand kneading for another 1-2 mins.
4. Roll, cut and shape into 8 small doughs, roll the dough become a ball, add 2 even size small ball to make ears.

5. Grease little oil on the baking pan and line the dough in, cover with wet cloth and let it proof for about 10 - 15 mins. (or put in oven with a bowl of hot water and close the oven door for proofing)
6. Brush egg wash onto the bread. 
7. Bake at pre heat oven at 200 degrees C for 12-15mins (baking time vary for different oven)
8. after bread cool down, use tooth pick to poke 3 holes for chocolate chips to be inserted as eyes and nose.

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