
Just Sharing healthy foods for little ones from 9mo~3yo++
blog started on 17/3/2015

Thursday, June 23, 2016

22/6/2016 (Tue) 南瓜糙米脆條

南瓜泥 50克
糙米飯 25克
無鹽奶油 3克
有機蔗糖 5克
太白粉 40克

2) 用攪拌機把所有材料,除了太白粉,打成幼滑。然後加入太白粉用湯匙攪拌均勻。

Pumpkin Brown Rice Sticks 
50g cooked Pumpkin puree
25g cooked brown rice
3g Unsalted butter
5g organic cane sugar
40g potato starch

1) steam cook the pumpkin for 20 mins till tender, weight 50g and press by fork into puree. 
2) put all ingredients except potato starch in the blender, blend till smooth. Add in potato starch and mix well by spoon.
3) pour the mixture into a plastic bag then cut a small hole at the edge of the plastic bag. Squeeze out circle shape on the non stick baking sheet laid on the baking tray. 
4) bake at preheated oven of 165'c for 20 mins or lightly golden brown. Once cookies sides started light brown, can off the oven power and let cookies stay inside for 5-10mins.

爆米花用的玉米粒 20g
無鹽奶油 15g
蔗糖 10g

1. 冷鍋加入奶油、玉米粒,蓋上鍋蓋用小火慢慢加熱。
2. 等到油溶化,溫度開始升高再加入蔗糖,蓋上鍋概略搖晃,讓糖均勻。

Corn kernels 20g
Unsalted butter 15g
Cane Sugar 10g

1. add butter and corn kernels into nonstick pot/wok, cover and heat up slowly with low heat.
2. Wait until the butter melts and the temperature begins to rise then add in sugar, cover the pot/wok and gently shake it to let the sugar melt evenly.
3. Continue heating until corn kernels start popping, shake the pot/wok occasionally, once no more popping sound, open the lid and off the fire.
**whole process is using low heat**

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

14/6/2016 (Tue) 鳳梨烤雞柳串

3 Eggs
160g cake flour
100g fresh milk
40g corn flour
5g baking powder
60g organic cane sugar
50g melted unsalted butter

1) Prepare and weight all ingredients.
2) mix egg and sugar, beat with a whisk until dissolved.
3) Add the milk and mix well.
4) Sieve flour + corn flour + baking powder in a mixing bowl , add the egg mixture and stir until no lumps.
5) Add melted unsalted butter in the batter .
6) Using a whisk, stir in one direction and till smooth.
7) Preheat waffle machine and brush with some oil/butter, pour the right amount of batter into the waffle mold.
8) Bake for 3-4 minutes or till light golden brown (can open lid to check) and continued to reverse another side for another 2-3 mins.

I made so many this time and keep the un-finished in the freezer.

雞蛋 3颗
低筋麵粉 160克
牛奶 100克
玉米粉 40克
泡打粉 5克
白糖 60克
融化無鹽奶油 50克

5. 在麵糊中加入融化的無鹽奶油。

雞柳 4 條 (我用祺祥牌无激生素)
蜂蜜 1茶匙
天然醬油 2-3滴
胡椒粉 適量
鳳梨 1/4 顆
蒜蓉 (1粒蒜米)

3)烤箱以200度預熱,同時用竹叉把醃好的雞柳丁和鳳梨塊串在一起, 擺在不粘烤紙/布上,並淋上醃料的醬汁。

BBQ Pineapple chicken meat
4 strips chicken fillet ( i used kee song brand)
1 tsp honey
2-3 drops liquid amino/natural soy sauce
dash of Pepper powder
1/4 whole Pineapple
1 glove Garlic (crushed)

1 ) cut part of the pineapple into 12 cubes; blend the remaining pineapple into puree, set aside.
2 ) Clean the chicken fillets and dice into 18 pieces, then put them in a bowl and add in honey, soy sauce, dried parsley, pepper powder, pineapple puree and garlic. Mix well the meats and sauce then keep in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
3 ) Preheat oven to 200 degrees, insert meats and pineapples into the bamboo skewer. Place on the non-stick baking paper and topped with marinade sauce.
4 ) bake at 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes or till light golden brown.

BABY Hainanese Chicken Rice 
4 tbsp basmathi rice
1 chicken fillets (diced)
1 pc long bean
5g unsalted butter
2 shallots
4-5 slices ginger
1/2 tsp liquid amino or pinch of salt
dash of pepper powder
some green onion / vegetables
2 pcs pandan leaves

1) soak white rice for 30mins - 1 hour
2) chop shallots finely
3) cut ginger into slices, dice the long bean
4) heat pan with low fire, add in a little olive oil, sauteed shallot and ginger till fragrance
5) add in chicken and mushroom, stir fry till light golden brown
6) throw away the soaked water, pour the rice into the pan, follow by salt/liquid amino and pepper
7) add in butter and stir fry for few mins, off fire
8) transfer the rice and chicken into rice cooker, pour adequate water to cover rice, tie the pandan leaves and put on top of the rice
9) cook rice as usual in rice cooker or steam for 15-20mins.

1/2茶匙 少鹽醬油/液體氨基或少許鹽

1 )浸泡白米約30分鐘 - 1小時。
2 )把蔥頭剁細。
3 )把生薑切成片,把雞柳切丁和把豆角切成顆粒。
4 )把鍋加熱,倒入少許橄欖油,爆香蔥頭和姜。
5 )加入雞肉和豆角翻炒至淺金黃色。
6 )倒掉浸泡米的水,把白米放入油鍋裡然後加入鹽或少鹽醬油和胡椒粉。
7 )加入奶油翻炒幾分鐘,熄火。
8 )舀出米飯和雞肉,放入電飯鍋,倒入適量水蓋過白米。把班蘭葉紮好,放在米飯上面。
9 )像往常一樣在電飯煲煮飯或放進蒸籠,大火蒸15-20分鐘即可。

Cheesy Carrot cookies
75g Cake Flour ( I used superfine flour)
25gm Cold Butter, cubed
2 tsp Icing sugar 
30gm Grated Cheddar Cheese
1-2 tsp Cold Water/ milk
28g shredded carrot 

1. Rub together the flour, sugar and butter until it resembles a breadcrumb texture.
2. Add the grated cheese and carrot, add in water little by little at a time kneading by hand to form a nice dough ball. It shouldn’t be sticky. If sticky add a little more flour.
3. Place on to floured surface and roll out until it is about 2-3mm thick. Cut with any shaped cookies cutter or just cut into squares, place onto a lined baking tray.
4. Bake at preheated oven of 180'C for 10-12 minutes or until lightly golden.

25克 冷的無鹽奶油(切小小粒)
2 茶匙糖粉
30克 車達起司 
1-2 茶匙 冷水/奶
28克 胡蘿蔔刨幼絲

1) 把糖粉加入麵粉,拌匀。加入冷奶油粒,用手搓揉成類似麵包糠的狀態。
2) 加入刨碎的起司和胡蘿蔔幼絲,搅拌均匀。慢慢加入冷水,揉成麵團。
3) 用擀麵棍按壓成2-3厘米的厚度,用刀切割长方型狀。排放在舖有不沾布(紙)的烤盘上,然后用筷子扎小洞洞。
4) 放入已經預熱180°度的烤箱,烤10-12分鍾或上色。

21/6/2016 (Tue)北海道起司撻

Happy Tuesday! Tomorrow is public holiday,enjoy your day too!

Breakfast: baked Hokkaido Cheese Tarts and fresh milk
Lunch and dinner: Brown rice with orange baked chicken wings and garden pea soup
Teatime: fresh orange and mango passion fruit yogurt melts

Bake Hokkaido Cheese Tart
(yield 9 tarts, using 5.5cm top/3cm base tart mold)

(A) Tart pastry
100g cake flour
15g icing sugar
40g unsalted butter, cut into cubes, cold
1 egg yolk
1 tbsp fresh milk

(B) Cheese custard
130g cream cheese
20g grated cheddar cheese
25g unsalted butter
80g whipping cream / fresh milk
15g organic cane sugar
6g corn starch + 2 tbsp fresh milk / water (mix well)
1 egg (1 egg white+ 1/2 egg yolk)
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp vanilla extract
pinch of sea salt

(C) Brushing
1/2 egg yolk for brushing on top of custard

1) mix shifted flour and icing sugar with butter. Use hand to rub until it resembles like bread crumbs.
2) add in egg yolk, continue mix by hand
3) add in milk and gently knead to form a soft dough. The dough shall not be sticky. wrap dough in cling wrap and keep inside fridge to rest for 1 hour.

***While waiting, prepare the cheese custard*** 

4) Add cream cheese, cheddar cheese, whipping cream/fresh milk and butter into a small pot. Place the pot into a large, shallow pan/pot with barely simmering water. Keep stirring the mixture till all dissolved.
5) remove small pot from the heat, mix well the corn starch and water then pour in the cheese mixture, stir well.
6) add in sugar, egg (1 egg white + 1/2 egg yolk), vanilla extract, sea salt and lemon juice. Mix till well-blended, return to the heat.
7) keep stirring the mixture and it will thicken into custard. Taste the custard and if desired. (add sugar / salt if you like heavier taste) Off fire and let the custard cool down completely.

***Back to the tart pastry*** 

8) Remove the dough from fridge. Place a sheet of cling wrap on the table. place the dough on the cling wrap and cover by another sheet of cling wrap. Roll the dough thinly, about 3-4 mm thickness. 9) Use a 7cm fluted cutter to stamp the dough. Place the cut dough over a tart mold and gently press it downwards and surrounding the sides with fingers. Use a fork to poke holes at the base of the tart cases.
10) Bake the tart shells at 180C, fan mode for 10mins. Remove from oven and place on wire rack to cool. After the tart shells are slightly cool down, remove them from the molds and let cool completely before use.
11) Preheat oven to 230C fan mode.
12) transfer custard into piping bag and pipe the custard into the tart shells, shape slightly domed. Brush custard evenly with egg yolk.
13) Bake the tarts at 230C fan mode, for 6-7 mins.
14) Once baked, remove from oven and place on wire rack to cool. Best eaten warm, freshly baked.

♡♡♡ Tips ♡♡♡
○ over kneading dough will resulted hard crust.
○ to remove tart mold immediately to to avoid tart shell getting moisture on the bottom.

○ brush egg yolk twice to have nicer color.

撻皮材料 :
低筋麵粉 100克
糖粉 15克
冷無鹽奶油 40克 (切小顆粒)
蛋黃 1粒
鮮奶 1湯匙

乳酪餡材料 :
奶油乳酪 130克
切達乳酪芝士 25克
動物性鮮奶油 / 鮮奶 80克
有機蔗糖/幼糖 15克
香草香精 1茶匙
玉米粉/粟粉 6克 + 鮮奶/水 2湯匙
蛋白 1粒
蛋黃 1/2粒

表層塗料 :
蛋黃 1/2粒 (打散)

做法 :
(1) 把低筋麵粉和糖粉篩入大盆裡, 加入切顆粒的無鹽奶油, 用手搓至粉糠狀。
(2) 加入蛋黃和鮮奶, 搓至成軟團。
(3) 用保鮮膜把軟團包裹,收進冰箱休麵團1個小時。


 (4) 把鮮奶/鮮奶油, 奶油起司, 車達起司, 香草香精和無鹽奶油一起放進一個小鍋裡, 然後把小鍋放入一個裝著熱水的大鍋,隔水加熱,不停攪拌至溶解。
(5) 把小鍋取出,加入拌勻的玉米粉和水,攪拌均勻。
(6) 接著依序加入糖,雞蛋( 1個雞蛋白+ 1/2蛋黃) ,香草精,海鹽,檸檬汁,攪拌均勻。再放回熱水中,開小火繼續攪拌至出現微許的紋路。可以試試味道,如果你喜歡的味道比較重的話,可以多加一些糖/鹽。然後關火待冷即可。


(7) 從冰箱中取出麵團。舖一張保鮮膜在案板上,把麵團放在上面,再覆蓋另一張保鮮膜。用擀麵棍把麵團擀成約3-4毫米的厚度。
(8) 用撻模或7厘米的圓餅模割出小麵團圓餅。用拇指沿底部開始推上邊緣,平均按壓成撻殼。然後用叉子在撻殼底部插些小孔。
(9) 放入已預熱180℃的烤箱,烘烤大約 10 至 12分鐘,見邊緣稍微上色即可取出,把撻殼放在鐵架上放涼。略有降溫時把模具取出,冷卻待用。
(10) 烤箱預熱至230℃,上下火,風扇模式。
(11) 起司餡裝進擠花袋,用大號的圓形花嘴(沒有就直接剪個口吧)擠進烤好完全冷卻的撻皮,擠成外形略帶圓狀的。用毛刷把蛋黃液均勻地塗刷在起司餡上面。
(12) 放入烤箱中層,烘烤大約 5分鐘,然後轉移烤盤至最上層繼續烘烤2-3分鐘即可。
(13) 出爐後,放在鐵架上放涼,溫暖的起司撻最美味!

○撻皮切忌搓揉過度, 避免起筋。
○ 烤好的撻皮得立即脫模, 以免底部產生濕氣。
○ 蛋黃液塗抹兩次, 色澤會更加好看。

雞翅膀 2只
蜂蜜 1茶匙
天然醬油 2-3滴
胡椒粉 適量
柳橙汁 1/2顆
乾香菜 適量


Orange Baked chicken wings
2 pcs Chicken Wings 
1 tsp honey
2-3 drops Liquid Amino
dash of Pepper powder
dash of dried Parsley
1/2 Orange juice/puree  

1 ) Clean chicken wings then put in a bowl, pour in the honey, liquid amino/soy sauce, dried parsley, pepper powder and squeeze in orange juice. Mix all ingredients and chicken wings well. Marinate it in the fridge at least 30 minutes.
2 ) Preheat oven to 200 degrees, at the same time, cut a piece of baking paper, folded into a shallow bowl shape and fix the shape by a stapler.
3 ) place the chicken wings in the paper bowl and pour in the marinated sauce together.
4 ) bake for 20 minutes or till golden brown at edges.
5 ) place some orange slices for decorations, ready to serve!

Please click the below link for recipe

You may use plain yogurt or any flavored 

Monday, June 20, 2016

20/6/2016 (Mon) Nest Eggs

Happy Monday dear all...
Another working day to go, I will have a holiday on Wednesday... so happy!

Breakfast: soft boiled egg and fresh milk
Lunch and dinner: rice/noodle serve with nest egg and cordyceps flower soup
Teatime: Rabbit soybean cookies and tomato juice
Soft Boiled Egg
1 pasteurized egg

1. Bring a pot of water to a nearly boil...Can see small bubbling starts at the sides and stop the heat.
2. Wrap egg with a kitchen towel and place in a thermal food jar.
3. Slowly add in the hot water and cover egg. If the egg is cold just out from the fridge, leave for 15 minutes. If the egg is at the room temperature, leave for 10 minutes.
4. Add 2 drops liquid amino and pepper powder to serve.

Nest Eggs
80g minced pork
1 brown button mushroom (diced)
1pc raw quail egg
1 tsp corn flour
dash of pepper powder
1/2 tsp liquid amino
1 tsp scallion oil
some brown rice mihun/normal mihun
5 pcs hard boiled Quail eggs

1) cook 5 quail eggs in boiling water for 5 mins. leave them cool down and remove shell.
2) I chop the minced meat further and mix with all other ingredients except mihun.
3) divide meat dough into 5 portions. Wrap each meat dough with each quail egg. You can fully wrap it or expose some quail egg as shown in the photo.
4) coated each meat ball with the roughly crushed mihun. I just use fingers to crush them.
5) deep fry the meat ball with small fire till light golden brown.
6) it's look like a bird nest after frying...hehe

soup of the day

Soybean Cookies
30g unsalted butter
2 egg yolks
50g soy milk powder 
5g icing sugar/castor sugar
50g superfine flour/cake flour/low protein flour

1) using whisk, beat butter till fluffy, add in sugar (skip sugar if sweetened milk powder is used) continue beating till dissolved
2) add in egg by 4-5 times, mix well each egg adding then only add another portion
3) add in soy milk powder, use spatula to mix well  
4) add in flour by 2 times, use spatula to fold in well combined, do not over mix
5) put the soft dough in plastic bag and roll flat into 4mm thickness.
6) put the flat dough to rest in the freezer for 15mins or fridge for 30mins
7) cut the sides of the plastic bag, as shown in photo below, use cookie cutter to press and cut out the cookies
8) place cookies on non stick baking sheet (or parchment paper) laid on the baking tray
9) bake at preheated oven of 160'C for 15-18mins or till light golden brown
10) place cookies on wire rack to cool down before storage in air tight container

Friday, June 17, 2016

15/6/2016 (Wed)

Pandan Layer Cake for my princess' Teatime....
Yesterday we were discussing what type of cake to be made for my girl's 3yo birthday next month. And this discussion recalled her 2yo Barbie doll pandan layer cake, so she requested this cake for today.

Breakfast: Pandan soft pancake and fresh milk
Lunch and dinner: pasta with cream cheese fish fillet and radish soup
Teatime: Pandan Layer Cake

Cream cheese Fish Fillet
1-2 pcs fish fillets
2-3 cloves garlic
15-20g cream cheese
1/3 cup fresh milk
dash of pepper powder

1) heat pan, add some oil, saute garlic till fragrance.
2) add in fish fillets and pan fry till light golden brown
3) add in cream cheese and milk, cook till dissolved.
4) add in dash of pepper powder and done.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

15/6/2016 (Wed) Pandan Layer Cake


10g 香蘭汁
10g 全脂牛奶/鮮奶/豆奶/嬰兒配方奶
20g 米糠油/橄欖油/玉米油/任何菜油
2顆 蛋黃
40g 低筋粉/蛋糕粉/普通麵粉/中筋麵粉
2顆 蛋白
15克 有機蔗糖/白砂糖
1/2茶匙 檸檬汁/醋

1 )材料(A )混合後,備用。
2 )預熱烤箱160'C度。
3 )材料(B )打至濕性發泡後,再將打發的蛋白分兩次倒入( 1 )拌勻。
4)把麵糊舀入擠花袋/塑膠袋,底部剪個小洞,擠麵糊到不粘烤紙/布上/矽膠墊,輕輕地擠成6公分圓狀。 (大小請根據自己的蛋糕模/玻璃碗/布丁碗的尺寸,再減2-3公分) 擠好後,可以用手指稍微抹平凸/尖的表面。

香蘭軟糕 / 咖椰材料
50ml 椰漿 
200ml 鮮奶 (大人版可用椰漿)
250ml 香蘭汁 = 2片香蘭葉+水,打成汁 
40g 印尼綠豆粉(白)/ 用玉米粉代替 
40g 細砂糖
6g 燕菜粉 


7. 把所有材料倒進一個小鍋,攪拌均勻。用打蛋器不停地攪拌在小火煮至濃稠,熄火即可。

8. 我使用花型砂鍋(內徑9 公分),先倒入一層(7),鋪上一片蛋糕,如此類推,直到完成為止,最上一層舖的一定要是香蘭軟糕,舖一張保鮮膜緊貼香蘭軟糕的表面。用一些小重的東西壓著,預防浮起來,待冷,放入冰箱冷藏2 - 4 小時後,即可脫模。

Pandan Layer Cake for my princess' Teatime....
Yesterday we were discussing what type of cake to be made for my girl's 3yo birthday next month. And this discussion recalled her 2yo Barbie doll pandan layer cake, so she requested this cake for today.
Pandan Layer Cake 
(yield 4 nos of 9cm casserole bowl) 
Cake Ingredients:
Egg Yolk Batter:
2 Egg Yolks
20ml Grapeseed Oil/any vege oil
10g Pandan juice
10g Fresh Milk/any milk
40g Cake Flour / all purpose flour

2 Egg Whites
15g castor sugar
few drops vinegar/lemon juice

1) Preheat oven to 160'C.
2) Place a parchment paper or non-stick baking sheet on the baking tray.
3) In a mixing bowl, add in egg yolk, oil and milk, mix well then sieve in flour and mix till combined. Set aside.
4) Place the egg whites and vinegar/lemon juice into a clean bowl and whisk till bubbly then add in sugar by 2 portions. Continue whisking until stiff peaks form, approximately 2 minutes.
5) Transfer 1/3 of the egg whites to the egg yolk batter and mix well. Add the remaining egg whites and fold in gently. 
6) Pour batter into a piping bag (no need nozzle) or plastic bag, cut small hole at the edge and gently squeeze out batter onto the parchment paper with the size slightly smaller than your cake mould/pudding bowl/glass bowl 
7) Bake for 20mins or light golden brown on the surface.
8) Place the cake on the wire rack for cooling down.

Pandan Paste Ingredients:
100ml  coconut milk
200ml fresh milk (for adult can use coconut milk)
250ml pandan juice = blend 4 pandan leaves + water
40g white packaging Hoen Kwe flour(corn flour substitute)
40g castor sugar
6g agar-agar powder

9) Put all ingredients in a small pot and mix well by a whisk, cook under small fire, non-stop stirring and cook until boiling and thicken.

10) I use 4 nos of casserole bowl, put one layer of (9), then place a piece of cake at the centre, repeat the process until you put the last layer of the kaya. Place a layer of cling wrap close to the surface. Use some weight to put on top of the cake to prevent the cake from "floating", leave to cool, once cool, transfer to the fridge, refrigerated for 2-4 hours before removing from mould.

My Past Pandan Layer cakes

Sunday, June 12, 2016

12/6/2016 (sun) 酒店房裡煮食 Foods during Travelling with baby


水 適量


許多媽媽都會問我,當我和寶寶旅行時,我都帶了些什麼煮寶寶食物。其實,每次我跟我的寶寶無論本地或國外旅遊,我會先計劃寶寶旅途中的餐食,好讓自己清楚材料和食品的清單。這裡是我總是準備的工具和食物清單。大家可以參考並計劃您的小朋友最喜愛的食物或平時有吃的食物以作準備咯: -





This morning I prepared lunch and dinner for my nearly 3yo baby in the hotel room. Last night I pre-soaked some rice and peanuts which I planed to cook peanut mushrooms pork porridge. This morning my baby told me that she wanted to eat noodle. Thus, I just cook the soup and cooked the noodle separately to serve with soup later.

Peanut mushroom soup
2 pcs Fresh shitake mushrooms
50 to 60 grams of lean meat
1-2" of carrot
1 to 2 tablespoons Raw organic peanut
Adequate Water

1. Pre-soak peanut overnight .
2. Add the soaked peanut into the pot, pour in adequate water and boil for 10 minutes.
3. While cooking the peanut, wash and dice the meat, carrots and mushrooms then add into the pot too.
4.  On the other side, add some hot boiling water into thermos king food jar, close the lid and simmer for 10 minutes to preheat the food jar.
5. After 10 mins, remove the hot water from the food jar, pour the whole pot of soup (or porridge) and ingredients the food jar. Close lid immediately and let it continue cooking in the food jar for at least 1-2 hours, rotate the food jar up and down once a while so that the hot temperature uniformity inside.

Many mummies are asking me what did I bring during my travelling with my baby all the while. Actually, everytime I travel with my baby local trip or oversea trip, I will plan her foods and list down the ingredients that I need to bring along. Well, after digging those memories in my head, here are the items that I always prepare to bring along and subject to my food planning each time. You may refer and plan your little ones' favourite foods or regular food types:-

Cooking Tools
1) Thermos King Thermal food jar (must bring)
2) portable cooker (if the hotel/apt has no cooking instruments)
3) ceramic knife (bought from Daiso) (must bring)
4) a mini scissors (bought from Daiso) (must bring)
5) electric lunch box (ELB) (I brought this while it was still functioning)
6) a mini sponge and washing detergent (to wash dishes after cooking)(must bring)
7) a mini cutting board (bought from Daiso)
8) Cooler bag and ice pack
9) Thermos flask (to keep hot water)(must bring)

Dried Foods
1) homemade cookies (wrap in individual packings)
2) rolled oat (pack 1 meal portion individually)
3) Rice (pack 1 meal portion individually)
4) Dried scallop
5) Goji Berries
6) homemade anchovies powder
7) Dried shitake mushroom
8) dried Kunbu and seaweed
9) indivually packed snacks such as cheerios, raisin, baby bites
10) Pasta or noodles (pack individually)
11) Dried prune 
12) pan cook bun ingredients (weight and pack nicely individually) last time travelling to Penang and stayed in relatives house.

Fresh Foods
1) Carrot
2) Potato
3) sweet potato
4) cherry tomatoes
5) lean meat
6) baby spinach

1) Olive oil (pack in mini bottle bought from Daiso)
2) Liquid amino (pack in mini bottle too)
3) Full cream milk in small packs

Thursday, June 9, 2016

9/6/2016 (thu) fish crackers 魚味鮮

Tomorrow I will be on holiday with my little and resume working on Tuesday~ Stay at home for for few days and outing for few days.... enjoy few days sahm and resume ftwm later...

明天我將會休假了。一直到星期二才恢復上班日。在家裡悠悠閒閒幾天~ 出門走走幾天~
充電後再繼續上班族的生活了。 。

Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

以上是寶寶的粽子,我用浸泡了的小米(90 %)和糯米(10%),用米糠油爆香蔥頭,加點胡椒粉,五香粉和少量液體氨基,炒香小米混糯米。最後用粽葉包,加入豬肉丁和綠豆。
These are baby dumplings , I soaked millet ( 90% ) and rice ( 10% ) , saute shallot with rice bran oil, add some pepper powder , 5-spice powder and a small amount of liquid amino. Saute millet mixed with glutinous rice. Finally wrap with bamboo leave, add in pork and green beans too.

Avocado milk Shake
1pc avocado
1/2 - 1 cup fresh milk
1tsp fullcream condense milk/honey

Just blend till smooth & enjoy~

p/s: if not consume immediately, squeeze some lemon juice to slower the oxidation.. ^.^ 

1個 鱷梨/牛油果
1/2 - 1杯 鮮牛奶
1茶匙 全脂煉奶/蜂蜜


P / S :如果不立即食用,可以擠些檸檬汁以減緩氧化變黑.. ^ ^ 。

1片昆布( 10cmX10cm ,浸泡後切成細條)
4-5湯匙 糙米(預浸泡過夜)
1片 魚肉
1小片 姜

2 )把糙米和昆布絲放入水中煮30分鐘。
3 )把加入香菇,薑片和魚片煮大概5分鐘即可。

Kunbu Fish Porridge
1 pc kunbu (10cmX10cm, soak and cut into tiny slices)
4-5 tbsp Brown Rice (pre-soaked overnight)
4pc fresh shitake mushroom (sliced)
1pc fish fillet
1 small pc ginger

1) cook 800ml water in a small pot.
2) add in brown rice and kunbu strips and cook for 30mins.
3) add in mushroom, ginger and fish slices and cook for another 5 minutes.

太白粉/馬鈴薯粉 55克
玉米粉 1茶匙
蛋黃 1個
水 2湯匙
10克 無鹽奶油
1咪咪 海鹽
糖1/2 茶匙


1. 把所有材料放入果汁機或攪拌器,打成黏稠的泥狀。
2. 然後把蝦泥裝入塑膠袋,綁好後塑膠袋角處剪一個小洞(4-5毫米)。
3. 預熱烤箱180度。
4. 把不粘烤布/紙鋪在烤盤上,然後擠出條狀。 (我的烤箱是33公升的容量,剛好擠到一盤。)
5. 送進已經預熱180度的烤箱烤約10分鐘後,轉換盤的方向,下調溫度160烤10分鐘或至表面有一些上色了,即可關掉電源。繼續悶5-10分鐘後取出。完成啦~

Fish Crackers
75g fish fillet
55g potato starch
1 tsp corn flour
1 egg yolk
2 tablespoons water
10g unsalted butter
pinch of sea salt
dash of pepper
1/2 tsp cane sugar

1) put all ingredients in the blender, blend till smooth. 
2) pour the mixture into a plastic bag then cut a small hole (4-5mm) at the edge of the plastic bag. 
3) preheat oven at 180'C.
4) squeeze out stripes on the non-stick baking sheet laid on the baking tray. 
5) bake at preheated oven of 180'c for 10 mins, turn baking tray in side out, reduce temperature to 160'C, continue baking for 10 mins or till lightly golden brown. Off oven. let the tray stay inside the oven for another 5-10mins. DONE~

if the crackers are still not golden brown and crunchy, you may bake longer time to reach the crunchiness you like!

Barley Drinks
50g barley (pre-soak overnight)
8-10pcs dried winter melon
1.5 litre water

1) Cook the barley in the water and boil for 10mins then turn to small heat and continue cooking for 1 hour. 
2) Add in the dried winter melon and continue cooking for 10mins. ready to serve warm or cold

50克 薏米/薏仁
8-10 冬瓜条
1500毫升 水
