
Just Sharing healthy foods for little ones from 9mo~3yo++
blog started on 17/3/2015

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

27/1/2016 (Wed) 寶寶蘑菇湯

Using my old phone for photos posting here today as my samsung phone battery is no longer usable.
So small the screen of this iphone as i have used to the bigger screen of samsung...

Breakfast: French Toast, Blueberries and fresh milk

Lunch and Dinner : Pasta with Mushroom cheese sauce

Teatime: Crispy toasted bread / Ice Cream Cookies and red bean dessert

French Toast
2 slices of Pain de mie / any breads
1 egg
1 tbsp grated cheddar cheese
1 tbsp fresh milk
1/4 tsp honey

1) Cracks egg into a bowl
2) Add in cheese and milk into egg, mix well
3) dip in bread slice in the egg mixture
4) heat pan with some butter or oil, pan fry till both sides golden brown
5) cut into cubes for baby

Sea Animals Pasta with Mushroom cheese sauce

Pasta or any types of desired pasta, cook as per instructions 

My way of cooking to avoid mushy and soggy pasta and can last till dinner:~
1) I cook pasta as per instruction on packaging, 
2) drain away the hot water
3) soak pasta in a big bowl of ICE cold water for 30 seconds
4) drain away the cold water
5) add 1-2 tsp rice bran oil or olive oil to the pasta and mix well

for reheating:~
1) Just scoop out the pasta portion, steam for 5 mins.
2) Pour in the heated pasta sauce
3) Ready to serve~ 

Mushroom cheese sauce 
4 brown button mushroom (to blend)
2 cloves garlic (to blend)
1/3 cup water (to blend)

2 cloves garlic (sliced) (I used 3-4 cloves as my gal loves garlic)
2 brown button mushroom (diced)
10g cheddar cheese
20g cream cheese
1/3 fresh milk
some water
some pepper powder, italian herbs
some carrot
some broccoli

1) dice the mushrooms and garlic into small size
2) blend mushroom, garlic and water till smooth (mushroom puree)
3) heat pan, add some olive oil, sauteed the garlic till fragrant
4) add in diced mushroom and stir fry a while
5) add in mushroom puree, cook for 1-2 mins.
6) add in water, milk, cream cheese and cheddar cheese. Cook till boiling and cheese melted. 
7) Add in dash of pepper powder and italian herbs, Off fire. Ready to serve warm.

p/s: I placed some broccoli and carrot which are cooked during cooking the pasta, remove from boiling water after 10 seconds.


1 )按照麵條包裝上的烹煮方式
2 )倒掉煮麵的熱水
3 )把麵條浸泡在一碗冰水30秒
4 )倒掉浸泡的冷水
5 )加入1-2茶匙米糠油或橄欖油,拌勻即可。

6 )如果不是馬上吃,收進冰箱。
7 )讓保姆或家人舀出寶寶的麵條分量,蒸5分鐘。
8 )倒入熱的蘑菇醬/湯就可以了。

材料: (2-3寶寶分量)

4朵 棕色蘑菇(用料理棒打成幼滑)
2瓣 大蒜(用料理棒打成幼滑)
1/3杯 水(用料理棒打成幼滑)

2瓣 大蒜
2朵 棕色蘑菇
胡蘿蔔 適量
花椰菜 適量
10克 切達乾酪(如何選擇寶寶食用的奶酪) <<<<<請按
20克 奶油奶酪
1/3杯 鮮奶
水 適量
胡椒粉 適量
意大利香草 適量

1 )把蘑菇切丁,大蒜切片,胡蘿蔔和花椰菜切小塊;備用。
2 )用料理棒把所有材料(A )打成幼滑;備用。
3 )熱鍋後加入一些橄欖油,炒香蒜片。
4 )加入胡蘿蔔,花椰菜和蘑菇翻炒片刻,胡蘿蔔和花椰菜先盛起擺盤。
5 )然後加入打成幼滑的材料A(蘑菇泥) ,煮1-2分鐘。
6 )加入水,牛奶,奶油奶酪和切達乾酪,煮至奶酪融化。
7 )撒入胡椒粉和意大利香草即可關火。

P / S :也可以把西蘭花和胡蘿蔔和麵條一起煮熟,川燙10秒即可撈起。

Crispy Toasted Bread (Roti Kok)
2 slices of home made Toast / bread
some unsalted butter
some sugar

1) cut toast/bread into 4 pieces
2) spread some butter on each cut bread
3) sprinkle a little sugar on each bread
4) bake at preheated oven of 180'C for 20 mins.

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