
Just Sharing healthy foods for little ones from 9mo~3yo++
blog started on 17/3/2015

Friday, January 15, 2016

15/1/2016 Happy Friday 斑馬紋優格蛋糕

Since last 2 days, my phone is still having problem in restarting itself and hang terribly, slow reaction, and my photos couldn't be synchronized to my pc. The phone only be used for 1 year only, I don't have budget to change my phone so often...please be good again....

This morning I was baking Meat Jerky (Dried Meat) for testing only. For 500g minced meat, how many grams dried meat I can get.

Breakfast: Zebra Yogurt cake and fresh milk
Lunch and Dinner: 3C Quinoa ramen serve with onion seaweed egg roll and tomato chicken soup
Teatime: Honeydew Yogurt  

Zebra Yogurt Cake
Makes 6″ round cake pan 
3 egg yolks
10g cane sugar
25g rice bran oil
 90g natural plain yogurt
55g cake flour/low protein flour/superfine flour

2 tsp bamboo charcoal powder
1 tbsp cake flour
1 tbsp fresh milk

3 egg whites
20g organic cane sugar
few drops vinegar

1) Mix all ingredients in (A) follow by sequence : egg yolk + sugar, yogurt + oil, sieve in flour, mix well
2) Mix well ingredients in (B)
3) Make the meringue by whisking egg whites with sugar and whisk until hard peaks form. 
4) Take 1/3 meringue and fold into the (A), After incorporated, pour the batter back to the remaining 2/3 meringue and fold. FOLD GENTLY. Pour 1/3 of the mixture in (B) and mix well.
5) Drop approximately 1/3 cup of plain batter into the centre of prepared pan, allowing it to spread. Drop 1/3 cup of black batter into the centre of plain batter and allow it to spread. Continue alternating using 1/4 cup of batter at a time, until batter is done.
5) Bake the cake in a water bath for 1 hours or until set and golden brown at 160'C.
6) remove cake from oven immediately, after 1-2 mins the cake can be easily removed from the mould. cool down and store in the fridge at least 2 hours.


材料A: 蛋黃3個糖10g 米糠油25g 原味優格90g 低筋麵粉55g

材料B: 竹碳粉2茶匙牛奶1 湯匙低筋麵粉1 湯匙

材料C: 蛋白3個糖20g 白米醋/檸檬汁幾滴


1. 材料A的蛋黃及糖先打勻。接著加入優格及米糠油拌勻。再加入過篩的麵粉拌勻備用。
2. 材料B的竹碳粉、牛奶及糖拌勻。拌勻成為黑色液體備用。
3. 材料C的蛋白先打出一些泡沫,然後加入檸檬汁及糖(分2次加入)打至乾性發泡。
4. 把打發的蛋白分两次或三次加入優格蛋黃麵糊中輕拌均勻。最後一次將優格蛋黃麵糊倒入蛋白霜中拌勻。取約1/3拌好的麵糊加入(做法2)。輕拌均勻成為黑色的麵糊。
5.預熱烤箱160度C。 6吋圓模底部鋪紙。在烤模中間倒入1/3杯白色麵糊,讓它自然流。在白色麵糊上面,再倒入1/3杯黑色麵糊。依次交替倒完所有麵糊。
6. 把蛋糕模放在裝足夠熱水的烤盤上。用160度C烤60分鐘。


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