
Just Sharing healthy foods for little ones from 9mo~3yo++
blog started on 17/3/2015

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

9/9/2015 Wednesday 雙色珠寶甜點

Good morning dear all mummies!! 
Yesterday my lo finished all the Fish bun biscuits and requested for some more.... So,  I bake another batch using the batter kept in the freezer...

Squeezed some butterflies and fish for her and hope she likes it..

Breakfast: Butterflies bun biscuit, stew lotus root, fresh Barhi dates and fresh milk
Lunch: Meesua with beetroot soup and broccoli and kunbu
Teatime: Two tune Honey balls, baked lotus root flakes and carrot juice 

(原食谱自:米亞妮 QQ,略改一點 )
雞蛋2顆,無鹽奶油25g,牛奶/水90cc,高筋麵粉55g,2 茶匙蔗糖





5.麵團放至手摸不燙時,將蛋液分2次慢慢加入,每次都要攪拌均勻才可加的蛋液(約加了1顆半的蛋液) 麵糊如有成糊狀就可以不用在加蛋液了。


7.放入預熱至190度C的烤箱中烘烤18分鐘或表面金黃,用餘溫在燜5分鐘即可取出。 (各家烤爐請自己拿捏,我家烤爐不給力,需要200度)

備註:昨天我把麵糊分成2份。已經烤了一份。另外一份收在冷凍庫,可以收一個星期左右哦。 。忙碌的媽咪們可以在下一次的烘烤節省時間哦。 。今天烤的就是冷凍庫裡的那份。

Ingredients :
2 eggs
55g high protein flour 
90g fresh milk or full cream milk or water
25g unsalted butter 
2 tsp muscovado sugar or any sugar or omit

Steps :
1) sieve flour and set aside 
2) cook milk, sugar and butter in a wok with low heat until boiling
3) add in flour and stir quickly with a spatula until dough is form and non stick
4) off fire and remove dough from the wok, let it cool down
5) when hand can touch on dough,  add in egg 1 by egg, mix well 1 egg then only add in another 
6) once the dough turns into very wet dough, can stop adding egg (you may refer the photo below for the texture)
7) put the well mix batter into a plastic bag 
8) Pre heat oven at 190'C 
9) cut a 0.5 width hole at the edge of the plastic,  squeeze out the fish shape or any shapes or alphabets on the non stick baking sheet laid on the baking tray
10) bake for 18mins or till light golden brown, turning halfway, sit in the off oven for 5 mins.

Meesua with beetroot soup stock, stew lotus root and broccoli

1) cook misua till tender, rinse dry, soak in cold icy water for 30 secs, rinse dry again, add 1 tsp grapeseed/olive oil and mix well)

Beetroot soup stock (can refer weekend soup stock)

Stew Lotus Root
Ingredients :
2"-3" lotus root
1 tsp Amino liquid / less salt soy sauce
1/2 tsp brown sugar
1 cup water
1 slice kunbu (10cm x 10cm)
1 tsp vinegar
some sesame seeds
few drops sesame oil

Steps :
1) peel and slice the lotus root in 4-5mm thickness
2) soak the sliced lotus root in vinegar and sufficient water to cover it for 15mins.
3) in a small pot, cook water, kunbu, sugar, liquid amino and lotus root with medium fire till liquid turns thick, add in sesame oil and off fire.
4) pour out and sprinkle with some sesame seeds.
5) ready to serve warm or as cold dishes.

Cook broccoli in boiling water, few drops oil and pinch of salt for 3 minutes.

由於馬來西亞最近空氣很污染,希望煮些可以防止呼吸道感染和清熱的甜點給寶寶吃。翻了食譜書籍,找到了這個還不錯的食譜,就試做了。 。 。

1根 胡蘿蔔
1粒 雪梨
1/2  茶匙蔗糖
1/2  茶匙天然蜂蜜(蜜糖)

1. 將梨去皮;用挖球器挖成圓球。
2. 胡蘿蔔去皮洗淨,用挖球器挖成圓球。
3. 在一個小鍋裡加水,放入蔗糖煮滾。
4. 加入胡蘿蔔球,用小火煮10分鐘。然後才加入雪梨球,中火熬濃(大概5分鐘)。
5. 用玉米粉勾薄芡,淋入蜂蜜,即可勺出裝盤。
6. 冷熱食用皆美味。




Two Tunes Honey Balls
1 carrot
1 golden pear
1/2 teaspoon brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon of honey 
Adequate amount of water

1. peel and dig golden pear into ball shape.
2. peel and dig carrot into ball shape too.
3. In a small pot, cook water and sugar till boiling
4. add in the carrot balls, shimmer for 10 minutes. Then add in the golden pear balls too and cook for another 5 minutes.
5. add in corn flour water mixture to thicken the sauce.
6. add in honey and ready to serve Hot or cold.


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