
Just Sharing healthy foods for little ones from 9mo~3yo++
blog started on 17/3/2015

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

8 Sep 2015 Tuesday 魚兒麵包餅

Yesterday I slept too late resulted this morning I couldn't wake up at 4am.... I couldn't hear the alarm rang... When the time I woke up, it was 5.51am!! OMG!!! Rushing day again for me@@

But I was really lazy to get up and still lying on the bed for a while and thinking what shall I cook.... Finally I had only 1:30 to prepare and cook for my 2yo lo.

Breakfast : Asparagus and Pine nuts, fish bun biscuit and fresh milk

Lunch : Chicken porridge with Kunbu, pine nuts and onion

Teatime : Mung bean dessert and Fish bun biscuit

Dinner: rice with soup and vegetables or egg

Steam Asparagus and pan fry pine nuts (without oil)

Chicken porridge with Kunbu, pine nuts and onion
4 tbsp white rice
1/2 chicken breast
1 slice Kunbu (10cmx10cm size)
1/4 pc Onion (diced finely)
1/2 tbsp pine nuts
2 cups water

1) cook chicken breast, kunbu and onion in water 
2) add in pre-soaked rice into the boiling water
3) remove chicken breast after 20mins, tear meat into floss
4) off fire if required consistency of porridge is reached
5) top with chicken floss, sesame oil and dash of pepper, ready to serve warm

(原食谱自:米亞妮 QQ,略改一點 )
雞蛋2顆,無鹽奶油25g,牛奶/水90cc,高筋麵粉55g,2 茶匙蔗糖





5.麵團放至手摸不燙時,將蛋液分2次慢慢加入,每次都要攪拌均勻才可加的蛋液(約加了1顆半的蛋液) 麵糊如有成糊狀就可以不用在加蛋液了。


7.放入預熱至190度C的烤箱中烘烤18分鐘或表面金黃,用餘溫在燜5分鐘即可取出。 (各家烤爐請自己拿捏,我家烤爐不給力,需要200度)

備註:我把麵糊分成2份。今天烤了一份。另外一份收在冷凍庫,可以收一個星期左右哦。 。忙碌的媽咪們可以在下一次的烘烤節省時間哦。 。

FISH Bun Biscuit
Ingredients :
2 eggs
55g high protein flour 
90g fresh milk or full cream milk or water
25g unsalted butter 
2 tsp muscovado sugar or any sugar or omit

Steps :
1) sieve flour and set aside 
2) cook milk, sugar and butter in a wok with low heat until boiling
3) add in flour and stir quickly with a spatula until dough is form and non stick
4) off fire and remove dough from the wok, let it cool down
5) when hand can touch on dough,  add in egg 1 by egg, mix well 1 egg then only add in another 
6) once the dough turns into very wet dough, can stop adding egg (you may refer the photo below for the texture)
7) put the well mix batter into a plastic bag 
8) Pre heat oven at 190'C 
9) cut a 0.5 width hole at the edge of the plastic,  squeeze out the fish shape or any shapes or alphabets on the non stick baking sheet laid on the baking tray
10) bake for 18mins or till light golden brown, turning halfway, sit in the off oven for 5 mins.


                                   VIDEO : HOW TO SQUEEZE THE FISH SHAPE
Steam Onion Juice 
(to boost up immune system)
1 onion ( i used 3/4 onion today)

1) cut onion into slices or smaller
2) place onion in a bowl and steam it under medium fire for 30mins or longer
3) sieve the juice and serve (taste is sweet) 

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