
Just Sharing healthy foods for little ones from 9mo~3yo++
blog started on 17/3/2015

Friday, December 28, 2018

27/12/2018 hurricane swiss roll 飓风瑞士卷

蛋黄 ~ 4粒
玉米油 ~ 40克
鮮奶 ~ 55克 
低筋面粉 ~ 70克 (过筛)
1汤匙 可可粉+1汤匙热水搅拌均匀

蛋白 ~ 4粒
白米醋 ~ 几滴
细砂糖 ~ 50克

馅料:50-60克 奶油起司加10克有机蔗糖/细砂糖打发即可

做法 ~
1. 将玉米油及鮮奶搅拌至融合。
2, 加入蛋黄继续搅拌至融合。
3. 加入低筋面粉,用手握打蛋器充分搅拌均匀至无颗粒状。然后将面糊分成两份,将一份面糊和可可浆混合均匀。
4. 蛋白用电动打蛋器以中速打散,加入1/3的细砂糖以中速拌打,打至蛋白体积膨大一赔,再加入2/3的细砂糖以最快速打至硬性发泡。(蛋白霜尖峰下垂)
5. 取1/3的蛋白霜放入蛋黄糊中,用橡皮刮刀上下翻拌均匀。
6. 拌好的面糊倒入剩下的2/3蛋白霜里,使用切拌及翻拌的方式,拌至蛋白与面糊完全融合。
7. 准备9寸 x 9寸 的烤盆周边铺上烘焙油纸。
8. 然后将蛋白霜分成两份,一份拌入白面糊里,用橡皮刮刀翻拌均匀。剩下的蛋白霜拌入可可面糊里,翻拌均匀即可。
9. 将原味蛋糊倒入烤盘内,用刮刀抹平。然后慢慢的倒上巧克力糊,再用刮刀轻轻的抹平即可。
10. 用手指系粗勺的顶端或手指(要深入面糊底)在烤盘的左侧往右侧不停的画上下画直线,然后再画上横行线。
11. 送入预热烤箱摄氏180度烤约15 – 17分中左右。
12. 蛋糕烤好后,立刻把蛋糕取出,倒扣撕掉底部烤纸,底部(巧克力面向下)放上一张干净烘焙纸,待凉。
13. 然后将蛋糕四边切整齐,涂上内陷。把蛋糕卷起来,用油纸包好放人冰箱冷藏1或2小时后即可切片品尝。

Hurricane Swiss Roll
4 egg yolks
40 g corn oil (i used rice bran oil)
55g fresh milk
70g cake flour or plain flour sifted
1 tbsp cocoa powder mix with 1 tbsp hot water = cocoa paste

4 egg whites
Few drops rice vinegar
50 g caster sugar

Filling: 50-60g Cream cheese + 10 grams of organic cane sugar / fine sugar, beat till sugar is dissolved.

1) Preheat oven at 180 deg C. Line 9 x 9 inch baking tray with parchment paper.
2) In a large bowl, mix egg yolks, corn oil and fresh milk together with a hand whisk, mix well and add in sifted flour, mix well again. Divide egg yolk batter into two portions and blend the cocoa paste into one of the egg yolk batter.
3) Whisk egg whites to foamy and add sugar in 3-4 batches, continue to whisk egg white to glossy and peaks form.
4) Gently fold half of the meringue to the egg yolk batter and cocoa batter with a spatula.
5) Pour the plain batter on lined baking tray. Then gently pour cocoa batter on top of the plain batter and spread evenly with a spatula.
6) Draw lines closely for the baking tray top and down. to and fro (with a ladle handle or use your index finger), then repeat the lines vertically.
7) Bake in preheated oven 180 deg for about 15 to 17 minutes.
8) Remove baking baking paper immediately after baked and leave cake to cool on wire rack with a clean parchment paper below (chocolate side at the bottom).
9) Trim off the sides of the cake and spread filling, then roll up the cake and chill in the refrigerator for a 1-2 hours before serving.

Banana Pikelets (Pancake) 
(recipe by Yen Li)
1 ripe Banana (about 45g)
80ml fresh milk
1 tbsp olive oil / rice bran oil / melted butter
1/3 cup cake flour (Can use self raising flour and omit baking powder)
1/2 tsp aluminium free baking powder
1 egg (about 1/3cup size)
1/2 tbsp sugar/honey

1) blend everything except the flour and baking powder with hand blender for 5 seconds.
2) add in flour and baking powder, stir well.
3) heat pan with little olive oil and wipe off with kitchen towel.
4) place the pan onto a damp cloth or water to cool down, return to fire
5 ) Use 1 tablespoon measuring spoon to scoop a spoonful of batter into the pan , cover with the lid. About 20 to 30 seconds, a number of holes on the surface of the pancake shall form, open the lid and it is ready to overturn the pancake. 
6 ) cook for another 30 seconds and done.
7) repeat steps 4-6 until all batter is finished ( I make 4 rounds)

1) The above recipe yield 16 small pikelets, using same volume of batter, pikelet size will be more evenly ~
2 ) Do not put too much oil , you can drop a few drops of oil on the pan then wipe evenly by a kitchen towel paper.
3 ) Always use the smallest fire to avoid burnt.
4 ) I am using 32cm pan which can cook 4 pikelets at the same time.
5 ) To make nice pikelets, the cool down process must not skip!!

1條 熟香蕉(約45克)
80毫升 鮮牛奶
1湯匙 橄欖油/米糠油/酥油
1/3杯 低筋麵粉(可以用自發麵粉,並省略泡打粉)
1/2茶匙 無鋁泡打粉
1個 雞蛋
1/2湯匙 糖/蜂蜜

1) 用料理棒攪拌所有材料,除了麵粉和泡打粉。(打5秒)
2) 加入麵粉和泡打粉,攪拌均勻。
3) 加少许油在熱的平底鍋里,再用厨房纸巾擦匀。
4) 將平底鍋放在濕布上降溫,再放回炉上。(全程用小火)
5) 用1汤匙的量匙,分别挖一勺麵糊放入鍋中,蓋上蓋子。約20~30秒鐘左右可見到蛋餅表面出現若干小洞、打開蓋子并可以翻面了。(我家的锅一次可以煎4片)
6) 翻面之後也同樣煎半分鐘左右即可出鍋。
7) 重複步驟 4-6 ,直到麵糊全部用完。(我一共做4次)


Thursday, October 18, 2018

卤肉饭 Braised Pork Belly


1000g 花肉 切成小丁 (肥油部份分开)
2大匙 蒜米 切碎炸黄
15粒 小葱 切片炸黄
5-6片 姜
6粒 水煮蛋

1大匙 黑酱油
1小匙 海盐
半小匙 胡椒粉
3大匙米酒 (小孩吃可以不放)
1000ml 清水

1) 热少许油倒在锅子里,放入切丁的猪肥部分爆香至金黄后, 放入花肉丁,蒜葱姜,炒香, 加入所有的调味料和其余材料(除了水煮蛋)煮滾,转小火,才加入水煮蛋,慢火焖大约45分钟~1小时即可。
花肉 切成小丁 (肥油部份分开)我有预先用一些酱油和胡椒粉腌味。


热少许油倒在锅子里, 放入切丁的猪肥部分爆香至金黄。






Pumpkin Pancake 南瓜煎饼 (传统面粉煎)

Pumpkin Pancake 南瓜煎饼

Flour 面粉 80g
sugar 幼糖 50g
Pumpkin puree 南瓜泥160g(蒸熟打成糊)
Fresh Milk 鮮奶 50g
Eggs 鸡蛋 2 pcs

做法 Steps:
1. Put all ingredients in a container, mix well till no lumps.


2. heat non-stick pan, add a little oil, then add in 2 tablespoons batter onto the pan. slightly turn the pan to move the batter around into thin layer, pan fry with low fire till both side are cooked, remove from pan and cool down. 

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Belgian Waffles 比利时华夫饼

Belgian Waffles

Ingredients 材料:

Flour 面粉 200g
Sugar 糖 30g
Instant Dry Yeast 酵母 1茶匙 tsp
Fresh Milk 鲜奶 250ml
Eggs 鸡蛋 2粒 pcs
Honey 蜜糖 20g 
Unsalted Butter 无盐奶油 20g

1)  Stir all ingredients until no more particles, and cover with a damp cloth and rest for 1 hour.先将所有材料搅拌均匀至无颗粒,用湿布盖着,休面1小时。

2)Preheat the waffle machine, pour 1 scoop of batter into the waffle mould, close cover  and bake for 5 minutes till golden brown, then take it out.  预热waffle机,各别倒入1勺面糊入waffle模,盖着烤5分钟或至金黄色,取出就可以了.

*The recipe can also be prepared in advance a night before. All ingredients are well mixed, keep in closed container, refrigerated for one night, and baked the next morning.
*Without the waffle machine, this recipe can also be cooked by pan fried like a  pancake
* Replace honey with sugar if baby is less than1 year old.

* 这食谱也可以预先准备,前一晚拌均,密封,冷藏一晚,第二天早上才烤也可以的。 
* 如果没有waffle机,就用平底鍋煎成煎饼即可。 
* 如果宝宝未满1岁,把蜜糖换成蔗糖即可。

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Steam chocolate cake

Steam chocolate cake.

材料Ingredients A :
1)鸡蛋3粒B/ 3 eggs
2)糖粉120克/ Icing sugar 120g.(I used organic cane sugar) 
3)牛奶190克/milk 190g.
4)玉米油80克/ corn oil 80g.

Ingredients B:
1)自发面粉230克/selfraising flour 230g.
2)发粉1茶匙/baking powder 1 teaspoon
3)苏打粉半茶匙/ baking soda 1/2 teaspoon
4)巧克力粉35克/chocolate powder 35g.

1)mix well and stir well all the ingredients A.
2)mix and sieve all the ingredients B.
3)mix together ingredients A and B and stir well.
4) pour into 8 inchi mould with paper. Steam 30 min.  Or cupcakes liner, steam for 12 min.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Baked Churros 03/7/2018

 Baked Churros
50g unsalted butter
230ml water/milk
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
1/4 tsp salt
125g all-purpose flour
2 eggs
few drops vanilla extract

Vegetable oil, for spraying
Confectioners' sugar + cinnamon powder, for dusting
Chocolate dip (whipping cream 120g + dark chocolate 100g, double boil till dissolved)

1) In a medium saucepan, combine water/milk, butter, sugar, and salt; bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce heat to low, and sift in flour, stirring for 1 minute.
2) In a separate bowl, mix the eggs and vanilla together and then add this mixture to the flour mixture. Stir until well blended and all the egg is completely mixed in by 4-5 separate times.
3) spoon mixture into a pastry bag fitted with a large open-star tip.
4) squeeze out 10cm long mixture onto a baking tray lined with parchment paper。
5) lightly spray some oil on the surface and bake in a preheated oven of 190’C for 15 – 20 mins or until golden brown and puffed up.
6) Turn off heat and leave the puffs in the oven for 5 minutes to gradually cool down before removing from the oven. 
7) While still warm, roll each churro into the dish with the sugar until coated.


砂糖+桂皮粉 適量(沾面用)


Friday, June 29, 2018

饅頭老麵麵團 “LAO MIAN" Old Dough


全脂牛奶 145克
糖 40克
酵母 3克
老面 60克 (如果没有,直接省略)
奶油 5克
盐 1.5克


1)用手揉面大约10分钟,揉至面团表现光滑 (也可以用面包机打面团15分钟)。
耳朵:4克 X2
手:2克 X2
脚:0.5克 X2



Old Dough Method Steamed buns
280g all purpose flour
145g fresh milk / full cream milk
40g sugar
3g instant dry yeast
60g old dough (If do not have it, just omit this)
5g melted butter
1.5g salt

red yeast rice powder - for red coloured dough
bamboo charcoal powder - for black coloured dough
pumpkin powder - for yellow coloured dough
spinach powder - for green dough

1) knead dough by hand or by bread maker till smooth, hand clean bowl clean dough smooth. Liquid part if too dry may add more water or milk as different brand flour may have different water absorption.
2) rest dough for 10 mins. 
3) press out all air by rolling the dough flat. Divide dough into the followings:-
The white dough for each rabbit is 50 grams.
Head: 21 grams
Body: 17 grams
Ear: 4 grams X 2
Hand: 2 grams X 2
Feet: 0.5 g X 2

Press and roll out air for each kitty's face. This step is very important to have smooth surface bun. 
equally, roll into ball shape. (you may wrap in any fillings if you want).

4) place the buns onto a parchment paper or baking paper. after that can start mixing the colour dough. USING MILK AS GLUE to stick on the face features.

5) Place all buns on the steaming rack. in the wok, add some water (about 2cm height water level) and on the fire till water is warm (about 45'C) then turn off the fire. Place the steaming rack on the wok and let it proof for 20-30mins. (if your shaping process is long time, you may skip the proofing time and straight away on the fire to start cooking.

6) steam for 10mins with medium heat. Lid cover wrapped by cloth to prevent dripping water to the surface. Off fire when time's up. DO NOT OPEN LID immediately. Wait for 10mins.





1. 將所有材料加入盆中攪拌均勻,搓揉甩打成為一個光滑的麵團







“LAO MIAN" Old Dough

old dough is an over-fermented dough, adding a small amount can increase the steamed buns' elasticity and flavor.

120g Medium gluten flour 
1/4 tsp instant dry yeast
80g warm water (below 40'C)
pinch of salt

1. Stir all the ingredients in the pot and knead them to create a smooth dough
2. Cover with a cling wrap, spray water and place it at room temperature for 6-8 hours or low temperature fermentation in the refrigerator overnight.
    (This old dough can be added in any amount of dough, adding aroma and increasing the dough's elasticity)
3. Can be put in refrigerator for 3-5 days and keep in the freezer for 1 month

1. If you feel that the mixed dough is too wet, you can add more flour
2. The old dough can be kept in the fridge for 3-5 days of refrigerated
You can store the freezer in a small package
If wanna use it, defrost the old dough one day before transfer from the freezer to the frideg

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

洋葱番薯圈圈 20/6/2018

50克 洋蔥(切小塊)
90克 熟的日本番薯/普通番薯
一顆 蛋黃
60克 太白粉
10克 無鹽奶油
6克 有機蔗糖 

2) 切一個洋蔥,也稱出所要的重量在同一個個杯子。
3) 加入一顆顆黃,糖和奶油,用攪拌機打成綿密到看不見洋蔥粒粒就可以了。
4) 加入太白粉,用湯匙攪拌均勻就可以了。 (用湯匙提起,麵糊緩慢滑落成三角形。 請看視頻) 如果太稀,可酌量加粉。
5) 把麵糊倒入一個膠袋子裡裡,剪個小洞,就擠出任何喜歡的型狀在烤紙上。
6) 送進已經預熱的烤箱150'C, 烤大約20分鍾。或看見餅乾開始上色即可關掉電源,燜5分鐘後出爐。


Sweet Potato Onion Rings
90g cooked sweet potato
50g chopped onion
60g potato starch
1 egg yolk
10g unsalted butter
6g organic cane sugar 
(may omit sugar if using japanese sweet potato)

1) Cook or steam 1 medium size sweet potato till tender. weight the required quantity and roughly mash it.
2) Cut the onion and add in the sweet potato.
3) add in the egg yolk then blend till very smooth.
4) add in potato starch and stir mix well with a spoon. (please check the consistency thru this video) you may more starch if it is too liquid.
5) put the mixture into a plastic bag and cut a hole at the edge (about 5mm dia.)
6) squeeze out circle or any shapes on the parchment paper which laid on baking tray.
7) bake at preheated oven of 150'C for 20 mins (turning tray half way) or till light golden brown.

p/s: texture is very crunchy once you bake it completely dry and you can keep for 1 week ++ in air tight container.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes

Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes
10 ice cream cones
125g unsalted butter, softened
65g caster sugar (original recipe was 125g)
2 eggs
120g self-raising flour
5g unsweetened cocoa powder
3 tbsp fresh milk
some white chocolate chips

1) Preheat the oven to 180C.
2) Stand the cornets in a 12-hole muffin tin − one in each muffin hole.
3) Whisk the butter and sugar together using an electric hand whisk or beat with a wooden spoon until pale and creamy. Gradually whisk in the eggs until just combined. Sieve in the flour, cocoa powder and milk and whisk again until combined and fluffy.
4) Divide between the cornets and sprinkle some white chocolate chips then bake in the oven for 20−25 minutes until golden and risen.
5) Leave to cool in the tin for 5 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack till completely cool down.

p/s: consume soonest possible as longer time the ice cream cone will turn soft and not that yummy anymore.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Cutie Dumpling Mantou/Pao 13/6/2018

1st attemp in making these cuties

Hihi dear all~ that day I shared my millet dumplings but today wanna share my fatty boom boom dumplings mantou/pao.... hahaha... my mom said these dumplings are so funny.... (heart broken)

Today also made these mantou in the office... recipe just normal mantou recipe... cocoa powder, red yeast rice powder and pandan juice are used for the colouring. I am using unbleached plain flour resulted not pure white mantou....

In my case, I knead the dough in 2 times, one for white dough and another one for green dough as I am not using spinach powder but I used Pandan Juice. Below is recipe by Meiji Teacher and her way of making...which is just slightly different from mine... but you can follow her way which is more cutie than my fatty boom boom mantou.... HAPPY TRYING!!!!

(2nd attemp in making these cuties)

Cutie Dumpling Mantou/Pao
(By Meiji Teacher of Taiwan)
100g All purpose flour
3g Sugar
1g Instant dry yeast
50g fresh milk
1 tsp vegetable oil

spinach powder: a little
Red yeast rice powder: a little
Pumpkin powder: a little
Bamboo charcoal powder: a little


) knead dough by hand or by bread maker till smooth for about 10mins, hand clean bowl clean dough smooth. Liquid part if too dry may add more water or milk as different brand flour may have different water absorption.

2) divide dough into the following:-
White: 120g of white dough was separated.
Green: 30g of white dough with spinach powder,
Red/Yellow/Black: remaining white dough divide into 3 three pieces and rubbed into the color respectively.

3) The white dough is divided into 40g each and rolled into a circle. (If wanna make pao, wrap in filling now) Slightly flatten it. Hold the dough in one palm and press it by the plastic cutting knife squeeze it to the left. Change hands, press to the right, there will be a triangular prototype. press the same way to the third side also. Flatten again the triangle shape.

4) Spinach dough, divided into 5g each, roll into oval shape. Using roller pin to roll them into flat. Use the back of the knife to cut lines on the green leave shape flat dough. Brush some milk on the triangle bun, place the 2 leaves on left and right slanting cross it.

5) roll the yellow dough into tiny thin string and place on the center across the bun. make a bow tie and stick on too. using milk as a glue to stick.

6) Use the black dough to make eyes and smiling lips. may add pink dough (white dough + a little red dough) for the blush.

7) Place all kitty's bun on the steaming rack. in the wok, add some water (about 2cm height water level) and on the fire till water is warm (about 45'C) then turn off the fire. Place the steaming rack on the wok and let it proof for 20-30mins.
(if your shaping process is long time till the bun already fully proof, you may skip the proofing time and straight away on the fire to start cooking.

8) steam for 10mins with medium heat. Lid cover wrapped by cloth to prevent dripping water to the surface. Off fire when time's up. DO NOT OPEN LID immediately. Wait for 10mins then open lid cover carefully..



1) 材料1拌勻揉光滑,分出白麵團120克。




