
Just Sharing healthy foods for little ones from 9mo~3yo++
blog started on 17/3/2015

Monday, May 7, 2018

Cheesy smiley cookies

Cheesy Smiley Cookies
50g Cake flour ( I used superfine flour) 
15g Cold Butter, cubed
1-2 tsp castor sugar
15g Grated Cheddar cheese or Tasty Cheese
1-2 Tbsp Cold fresh milk / Water

1. Rub together the flour and butter until it resembles a breadcrumb texture.
2. Add in sugar and grated cheese and a tbsp of milk/water at a time kneading by hand to form a nice soft dough. 
3. Place on a cling wrap and cover it then roll out until it is about 2-3mm thick. Cut with 30mm dia. round cutter. Use straw to cut out 2 holes for the eyes and use a spoon to cut the smiling mouth.
4. Place onto a lined baking tray and bake in a 180 degree Celsius for 15-18 minutes or until lightly golden.

50克 低筋麵粉
15克 冷的無鹽奶油(切小小粒)
1-2 茶匙蔗糖/砂糖
15克 刨碎車達干酪
1-2湯匙 冷鮮奶/冷水

2) 加入刨碎的車達干酪,拌匀。再把鮮奶一湯匙慢慢加,一邊稍微揉均勻成團狀。
3) 把一張大的保鮮膜鋪在桌子上,把麵團放在上面,把保鮮膜對折。 3邊都折起來成長方形。
4) 用擀麵棍按壓成2-3厘米的厚度,用30mm 大的圓餅乾模將麵皮切成圓形。間隔排放在舖有不沾布(紙)的烤盤上,用吸水管壓出2個小圈圈作眼睛,用小湯匙壓出笑的嘴型。
5) 放入已經預熱180°度的烤箱,烤15-18分鍾或上色。

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