
Just Sharing healthy foods for little ones from 9mo~3yo++
blog started on 17/3/2015

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Gula Melaka Pandan Layer Cake 椰糖香蘭千層蛋糕

香蘭戚風蛋糕 Pandan Chiffon Cake


蛋白4個,檸檬汁/白米醋 1/2茶匙,細砂糖40g,

2. 過篩好的粉類分2次加入混合攪拌均勻, 最後加入米糠油拌勻成為無粉粒的麵糊即可。
3.蛋白先用打蛋器打出一些泡沫,然後加入檸檬汁及細砂糖(分2次加入) 打成尾端彎勾的蛋白霜(濕性發泡)。舀1/3份量的蛋白霜混入蛋黃麵糊中攪拌均勻,然後再將拌勻的麵糊倒入剩下的蛋白霜中混合均勻。
4.把攪拌好的麵糊均勻地倒入3個烤模中, 把麵糊表面用橡皮刮刀抹平整
7. 打開烤箱門留2寸縫隙讓烤箱慢慢降溫15分鐘。然後取出蛋糕,從10cm高處往桌面敲幾下(可以防止蛋糕下沉)。

香蘭軟糕 / 咖椰材料
400ml 濃椰漿
200ml ***馬六甲椰糖漿
400ml 水
一丁點 海鹽
80g 印尼綠豆粉(白)
12克 燕菜粉

130g 馬​​六甲椰糖
150ml 清水

7. 把130g的椰糖和150ml水放進小鍋裡煮至溶解。過濾掉雜物並稱量好200ml椰糖漿待用。

8. 把所有材料倒進一個小鍋,攪拌均勻。用打蛋器不停地攪拌在小火煮至濃稠,熄火即可。

9. 我使用高型的6"圓蛋糕模,先倒入一層香蘭軟糕,鋪上一片蛋糕,如此類推,直到完成為止,最上一層舖的一定要是香蘭軟糕,舖一張保鮮膜緊貼香蘭軟糕的表面。用一些小重的東西壓著,預防浮起來,待冷,放入冰箱冷藏2 - 4 小時後,即可脫模。

Pandan Chiffon Cake
(3 nos of 6" round cake pan)
Ingredients of batter: 
4 egg yolks
50g cake flour
10g pandan juice extract
30g fresh milk
40g rice bran oil/ any vegetable oil

Ingredients of egg whites: 
4 egg whites
40g castor sugar (I used organic cane sugar)
1/2 tsp lemon juice/ rice vinegar

1) Mix egg yolks, pandan juice extract and fresh milk, Combine well.
2) Sift in cake flour in two batches into the egg yolk mixture. Mix well. Lastly, add in rice bran oil. Set aside.
3) Use a large clean bowl, making sure there’s no water or oil in it. Beat the egg whites with an electric mixer until bubbles form. Add in lemon juice. After mixing well, add sugar in two batches and beat well between additions. Continue to beat until stiff peaks form. 
4) Spoon out 1/3 of the beaten egg whites and fold into the egg mixture. Lightly fold in the rest of the beaten egg whites with a egg whisker (result is better than using spatula), until just combined.
5) Pour into 3 nos of 6" round cake pan and bake in preheated oven of 160'C for 10 minutes. Then reduce heat to 140'C continue to bake about 30minutes. A bamboo stick comes out clean when inserted in the middle. 
6) Open oven door and leave a gap about 2" to let temperature reduced slowly about 15mins. Remove cake from the oven and tap the cake from 10cm height to the table. Allow it to cool completely. 

Pandan Paste /Kaya Layer
400ml  thick coconut milk
200ml ***Gula Melaka Syrup
400ml water
Pinch of sea salt
80g white packaging Hoen Kwe flour
12g agar-agar powder

***Gula Melaka Syrup
130g Gula Melaka 
150ml water 

7) cook 130g gula melaka and 150ml water till dissolved. sieve thru a strainer and measure 200ml then set aside. 
8) Put all ingredients in a small pot and mix well by a whisk, cook under small fire, non-stop stirring and cook until boiling and turns thick.

9) I use a tall 6" round cake pan, put one layer of the cooked pandan paste, then place a piece of cake at the centre, repeat the process until you put the last layer of the kaya. Place a layer of cling wrap close to the surface. Use some weight to put on top of the cake to prevent the cake from "floating", leave to cool, once cool, transfer to the fridge, refrigerated for 2-4 hours before removing from mould.

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