
Just Sharing healthy foods for little ones from 9mo~3yo++
blog started on 17/3/2015

Friday, August 19, 2016

19/8/2016 (Fri) sakura flower bites

Today, I woke up 2.30am and couldn't sleep again. Finally got up from bed at 3am. 
I feel very sleepy now after taking lunch...@@
My eyes can hardly open yet I still need to "pretend" work hard at my desktop. 
Either tonight or tomorrow I have to bake a birthday cake for my hubby to celebrate his birthday. And I have lots of piggy to bake this weekend and the following weekend.... I just wish I have unlimited energy to complete all my tasks before my holidays..

About yesterday's incident, I forgot the cheese tarts in the oven yesterday morning and only realized it around 5.30pm before I left office. MIL told me when I reached home that she did ask hubby to whatsapp me about the cheese tarts inside the oven but hubby forgot to ask me. So MIL just took and ate 4 pcs during teatime. My gal did ask for it but MIL didn't give her as not sure it is okay for my gal or not. Last night about 8.50pm, my gal requested to eat the cheese tarts and I allowed her. She finished 3 pcs cheese tarts in less than one minute...Phew~

Breakfast: Soft boiled safe-egg and fresh milk
Lunch and Dinner: Macaroni with vegetable tomato sauce and cheesy baked drummets
Teatime: sakura flower bites and honey lemon

Baked cheesy chicken drummets
4 chicken drummets
 ( i use Kee-Song brand)
2 tbsp fresh milk
some mix herbs
some onion powder

topping: 10g cheddar cheese

1) Marinate the drumstick with all the ingredients (except cheese) for 30mins or more or overnight
2) Preheat oven to 190 degrees C.
3) Place chicken drumstick on a plate and top with the grated cheddar cheese then place on the baking tray.
4) Bake for 20 minutes 

10克 車達起司
2 湯匙 牛奶
混合香料 適量
洋蔥粉 適量

2 )烤箱預熱至190 ℃。
3 )然後把雞腿放在烤碗裡,撒上刨碎的起司。

Sakura flower bites
60g cooked Japanese sweet potato
15g unsalted butter
1 egg yolk

1) cook 1 Japanese sweet potato in boiling water for 20-25mins (with skin on)/ or you can peel, slice and steam.
2)  weight 60g sweet potato and put in a blender cup.
3) add in egg yolk and butter, blend well with electric hand blender till smooth.
4) put the mixture into a piping bag with sakura nozzle
5) squeeze out each sakura on the parchment paper / non stick baking sheet laid on baking tray
6) bake at preheated oven of 180'C for 10 mins, then 160'C for 10 mins or till light golden brown, off power and let it sit inside for further 5-10 mins.

60克 日本熟番薯
15克 無鹽奶油
1顆 蛋黃

2) 番薯乘熱時加入奶油壓泥後加入蛋黃。用電動手持式攪拌機,打成幼滑的麵糊。
3) 把麵糊裝入擠花袋。 (可以選擇自己喜歡的任何花嘴形狀)
6) 送進已經預熱的烤箱180'C, 烤10分鍾, 然後轉換烤盤方向,以160'C烤10分鐘;或看見餅乾開始上色即可關火,燜5-10分鐘之後就可以看見餅乾比較均勻上色而不會烤得太焦。

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