
Just Sharing healthy foods for little ones from 9mo~3yo++
blog started on 17/3/2015

Monday, November 20, 2017

布列塔尼酥餅 Galettes bretonnes 18/11/2017

I was having lunch at the Pavilion on 17/11/2017 (Friday). After meal, we had a window shopping before heading to our Spa treatments. We saw this type of cookies named "Galettes bretonnes" & it is RM2 per piece.
Last night, after dinner, I started to search recipe online and decided to make it by following the recipe by 4F COOKING HOME. But my unsalted butter only left 90g which the recipe requires 120g. Thinking to proportionate the quantity but I have forgotten and weighted the ingredients in original recipe. So, I have no choice but modify the quantities by changing the egg yolk into whole egg, wine into vanilla extract with low oil version which is suitable to toddlers too.... Phew~ luckily it was successfully baked and the taste is great!!!!!


Galettes bretonnes

中筋麵粉 .......... 120g
泡打粉 .......... 1g
杏仁粉 .......... 80g
奶油 (室温软化).......... 90g
砂糖 .......... 45g
鹽 .......... 2g
雞蛋 .......... 1顆
蘭姆酒 .......... 5ml (香草精代替)

蛋液 .......... 少許(從食譜裡的雞蛋取1湯匙)

1. 中筋麵粉、泡打粉與杏仁粉混合過篩備用。
2. 奶油、砂糖與鹽放入攪拌器攪拌,加入步驟1的粉類。
3. 加入蛋黃與蘭姆酒。
4. 拌勻即可不要攪拌過度,若奶油較軟可以保鮮膜包起,冷藏約1個小時使其充分冷卻變硬。
5. 取出麵糰以桿麵棍壓成約1cm的厚度,以環狀烤模切出形狀,刷上蛋液後以叉子劃出線條。
6. 以攝氏180度烤20分鐘至上色即可。

Galettes bretonnes
120g All Purpose flour
1g aluminium free Baking Powder
80g Ground Almond
90g unsalted butter (soften in room temp)
45g organic cane sugar
2g sea salt
1 pc egg
5ml Rum wine (I used vanilla extract)

egg wash on surface:
1 tbsp egg from the "1 egg" in the recipe

1. Sieve  all purpose flour, baking powder and ground almond, set aside.
2. In a big bowl, add in butter, sugar and salt, beat till well combined, add in the sieved flour.
3. Add in egg and rum / vanilla extract.
4. Using spatula to mix well (do not over mix), if the dough is too soft to handle, wrap in plastic wrap, refrigerate about 1 hour till harden.
5. Remove the dough and roll it into a thickness of about 1cm, with a ring shaped mold cutter to cut out shape, brush some egg wash on the surface then use a fork to draw the lines.
* If baking with a ring-shaped mold, remember to apply butter inside the ring.
Bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes or till light brown colour.

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