
Just Sharing healthy foods for little ones from 9mo~3yo++
blog started on 17/3/2015

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

26/4/2016 (Tue) 優格酸奶溶豆

Breakfast: pan cooked bun with peanut butter filling and fresh milk
Lunch and dinner: udon with honey roasted drummets and kunbu onion soup
Teatime: yogurt melts and steamed onion juice

Pan Cook Bun/bread
(original recipe by 小龍媽 from Taiwan)
Ingredients: (yield 6 mini buns)
50g All purpose Flour
1g (1/4 tsp) Instant Dry Yeast
30-35ml Fresh Milk/fullcream milk/formula milk
3g olive oil/grapeseed oil/rice bran oil/any vege oil
3g sugar
some black sesame / chiaseed (optional)

ANY FILINGS....Kaya...Jam...Butter Jam...cream cheese sauce....custard....and many more~

1) in a mixing bowl, add in all ingredients except cheese
2) mix and knead till hand is clean, bowl is clean and dough is smooth.
3) cover dough with clean damp cloth, rest for 10-15mins
4) divide dough into 6 equally portions, wrap in filling in each dough
5) roll and flatten the dough。

Pan cook method:
a) place buns in a non stick pan (no oil needed), close lid and proof for 20-30mins.
b) pan cook with smallest fire for 5-8 mins.
c) over turn the bread and pan cook till both sides golden brown.

Oven method:
a) place buns on baking tray laid with parchment paper, proof for 20-30mins inside off oven.
b) remove baking tray from the oven, preheat oven till 150'C.
b) bake at preheated oven of 150'C for 10 mins.
p/s: for nicer outlook, just simply pan fry without oil both sides golden brown.

酵母1g (1/4茶匙)
鲜奶/全脂奶/配方奶(奶粉+水) 30-35g

任何果醬,加央,卡士達醬,等等。 。




Honey Baked drummets
5pcs  chicken drummets ( i use kee song brand)
2 gloves garlic (crushed)
1/4 tsp liquid amino
dash of pepper powder
some garlic powder
1 tbsp fresh milk
some honey

1) Marinate the drumstick with all the ingredients for 30mins or more or overnight
2) Preheat oven to 190 degrees C.
3) Place chicken drumstick on a plate then place on the baking tray and brush some honey on the surface.
4) Bake for 20 minutes 

1/4 茶匙天然醬油(我用液體氨基)
胡椒粉 適量
蒜粉 適量
一些 蒜泥
牛奶 1湯匙
蜂蜜 適量

2 )烤箱預熱至190 ℃。
3 )然後把雞腿放在烤盤上,表面再塗一些蜂蜜。

原味優格 45克
嬰兒奶粉 38克 (如果没有,全脂奶粉/玉米粉代替)
玉米澱粉 25克
蛋白 2粒 (73-75g)
細砂糖 10-15克 (我用10克而已)
檸檬汁 幾滴(加蛋白中去腥和稳定蛋白泡泡)

1. 稱出適量優格 ,把奶粉與玉米澱粉過篩後與優格攪拌均勻後備用。奶粉為無糖的嬰兒配方奶粉。

2. 蛋白在無水、無油清潔的容器中打發,當魚眼泡時加入細砂糖,打發至硬性發泡。很硬那種,拉出攪頭很短的尖那種。

3. 將優格糊與蛋白糊混合翻拌後,不需要過度攪拌,快手操作,提前預熱烤箱,我用100度左右就可以,記得鋪上矽膠墊哦!強烈推薦,以前我用烤紙,這幾次用的矽膠墊超級給力,裝入裱花袋中可用圓嘴或者我這種中號六齒擠出小饅頭或者小塔糖的形狀!




1. 請根據自家烤箱溫度做調整,我的烤箱比較大,小烤箱的火力比較猛。要看著一下,以免糊掉。



step 1 - mixing yogurt, milk powder and corn starch

step 2 - 7 : beating egg white, squeezing out batter

Plain Yogurt Melts
45g Natural Greek Yogurt (or using flavoured yogurt)
38g milk powder / baby formula milk powder
25g corn starch
2 large egg white
10-15g castor sugar (I used 10g only)
1/2 tsp lemon juice or vinegar

1) add milk powder and corn starch into the yogurt
2) add the lemon juice into egg white, beat the egg white with sugar till hard peak form
3) add 1/3 of the egg white into the yogurt mixture, mix well
4) add the yogurt mixture into the 2/3 of the egg white and fold well gently but quickly.
5) preheat oven at 120'C
6) put the mixture in a piping bag or plastic bag, cut a 0.7cm hole at the edge
7) Squeeze out mixture onto baking tray laid with non stick parchment paper
8) Bake at 100'C for 60mins or till the cookies easily be removed from the parchment paper
9) let the cookies sit in the oven for further 10-30mins is recommended.

Just follow the above recipe by using 6 onions instead.
只需依照以上的做法, 用了6粒大洋蔥。

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

20/4/2016 (Wed)«東京芭娜娜»

老公出國出差了。 。整個星期只能用2個小時煮食物給寶寶。 。 (以往用3個小時的。。)因為怕用太多時間在廚房,寶寶在樓上哭了沒聽見。今早寶寶不知道幾點哭醒了,我​​沒有聽見。還好家婆聽見過去我們的房里安撫寶寶再度睡著了。

寶寶在馬桶大便後,家婆幫她搽搽小屁屁後就抽馬桶的水。還有一小顆的大便浮在水面並隨著水流不停轉動。寶寶看了說:“啊婆,我的大便在游泳。”家婆聽了哭笑不得了。 。晚餐時再次講述回當時的情形,大夥兒都笑翻天啦! ! !

Hubby is on business trip now for a week. . . Throughout the week I can only spend two hours to cook food for my baby . . ( usually I spend 3 hours ) I am worrying that I spend too much time in the kitchen and baby might be crying at upstair room which I couldn't hear her voice. This morning my baby cried but I did not hear it. Luckily mother-in-law heard and comforted her to fell asleep again .


Tokyo Banana
(Japanese Roll Cake)
(the recipe and making modified from ochikeron) 
Necessary Equipment:
10-inch square brownie pan
electric mixer

Egg Yolk Batter:
2 Egg Yolks
5g rice bran oil/any vege oil
25g fresh milk
30g Cake Flour / all purpose flour

2 Egg Whites
15g organic cane sugar

1) Preheat oven to 180'C.
2) Place a parchment paper or non-stick baking sheet on the square pan.
3) In a mixing bowl, add in egg yolk, oil and milk, mix well then add in flour and mix till combined. Set aside.
4) Place the egg whites into a clean bowl and whisk till bubbly then add in sugar by 2 portions. Continue whisking until soft peaks form, approximately 2-3 minutes.
5) Transfer 1/3 of the egg whites to the egg yolk batter and mix well. Add the remaining egg whites and fold in gently. 
6) Spread the batter in the brownie pan and drop the pan lightly on the counter to raise the air bubbles out of the batter.
7) Bake at 180C for 11-12 minutes till lightly brown. (Depending on the heat of the oven, cooking time may differ)
While the cake is baking in the oven.........prepare the banana custard cream

Banana Custard Cream
90g ripe banana
1 egg
2 tbsp corn starch
2 tsp organic cane sugar
130ml milk

1. Use hand blender, blend all the ingredients for 5 seconds or till smooth.
2. Pour the mixture into a saucepan. 
4. Put on low, stir constantly, and stop the heat when the cream starts to thicken. Mix well with the remaining heat. If you like, add a few drops of vanilla extract. Leave to cool completely.
5. Transfer the cream into a plastic bag OR into airtight container. Chill in the fridge.
~check the cake in the oven is ready or not~

8) Remove the cake from the pan by lifting the wax paper and place it on a wire rack to cool. 
9) When it's cool enough, remove the parchment paper and place the cake on the parchment paper with the brown side up. Cut the cake into 4 squares. 
10) Place the cake on plastic wrap (with the brown side up), pipe out the Banana Custard Cream, roll, and securely twist the ends like a candy.
11) keep in the fridge for 60 mins before serving.


( A):
2顆 蛋黃
(B ) :
2顆 蛋白
15克 有機蔗糖/白砂糖
1 )材料(A )混合後,備用。
2 )預熱烤箱180'C度。
3 )材料(B )打至濕性發泡後,再將打發的蛋白分2-3次倒入( 1 )拌勻。
5)在180℃下烘烤11-12分鐘,直到表面呈淺褐色即可。 (根據不同烤箱的熱度,烹調時間可能不同)

90克 成熟的香蕉
1個 雞蛋
2湯匙 玉米粉
2茶匙 有機甘蔗糖
130毫升 牛奶

1. 使用手持式攪拌機,把所有材料打成光滑(大概5秒)。
2. 將香蕉混合物倒入小鍋裡。
3. 以中小火加熱,不斷攪拌煮至濃稠狀即可離火。如果你喜歡,加入香草精幾滴也可以。
4. 冷卻後將奶油倒入塑料袋或進入密閉容器中。放入冰箱冷藏。


Baked Chicken Fillets
(Recipe By: 貞穎麻麻的綺幻冒險)
1 tbsp rice bran Oil / unsalted butter
10g Potato starch
30g Low Protein flour / cake flour
1 egg yolk
2 tsp sugar
1g or 1/8 tsp salt
Dash of Pepper powder
60-100g Chicken Tenderloin  / chicken breast 

1) Heat pan, add in the oil/butter for 10 seconds, pour in the potato starch and stir fry for a while and off fire.
2) add in egg yolk and other seasonings (salt, sugar, pepper), stir well. Finally add the flour and mix well by rubbing it till bread crumbs texture. 

3) throw the cubed chicken tenderloin into the bread crumbs. Let them coated well and press firmly. 

4) bake at preheated oven of 170'C for 10-15mins. (my oven was set to 180 degrees, bake for 18 minutes).

(The outer texture is slightly crispy and inner is soft and tender chicken meat.
If you want to have more crisp taste, can bake longer time about 3 to 5 minutes)


玄米油 10g / 1湯匙(我用無鹽奶油)
糖2〜3克 / 2茶匙
鹽1克 / 1/8 茶匙
胡椒粉少許。 (一歲以下,調味可省略)
雞裡肌/雞胸肉60-100g (切小條)


3)將粉糰(鬆散,碎碎的團狀)用手指搓開(搓小塊狀)所有粉糰搓成ㄧ粒粒小粉糰時,將裡肌塊(裡肌肉直接切小丁) 全部丟入粉糰中,每條雞柳表面沾滿後,可放在手掌中捏緊。


如果想追求更酥脆口感,再多烤3〜5分鐘! )

太白粉/馬鈴薯粉 40克
蛋黃 1個
水 2湯匙
10克 切達奶酪 (如何選奶酪給寶寶
糖1/2 茶匙


1. 把所有材料放入果汁機或攪拌器,打成黏稠的泥狀。

2. 然後把蝦泥裝入塑膠袋,綁好後塑膠袋角處剪一個小洞(4-5毫米)。

4. 預熱烤箱180度。

5. 把不粘烤布/紙鋪在烤盤上,然後擠出條狀。(我的烤箱是33公升的容量,剛好擠到一盤。)

6. 送進已經預熱的烤箱,烤約10分鐘後,轉換盤的方向,下調溫度160烤10分鐘或至表面有一些上色了,即可關掉電源。繼續悶5-10分鐘後取出。完成啦~
"Double Decker, Double Decker, ~~~ ~~~ ~~~".....LOL
Cheesy Prawn Sticks
60g Prawn
40g potato starch
1 egg yolk
2 tablespoons water
10g cheddar cheese
dash of pepper
1/2 tsp cane sugar

1) put all ingredients in the blender, blend till smooth. 
2) pour the mixture into a plastic bag then cut a small hole (4-5mm) at the edge of the plastic bag. 
3) preheat oven at 180'C.
4) squeeze out stripes on the non-stick baking sheet laid on the baking tray. 
5) bake at preheated oven of 180'c for 10 mins, turn baking tray in side out, reduce temperature to 160'C, continue baking for 10 mins or till lightly golden brown. Off oven. let the tray stay inside the oven for another 5-10mins. DONE~

noodle for lunch and dinner

honey drink for teatime

Monday, April 18, 2016

17/4/2016 (1dough 3 snacks)+杏仁蛋白餅

1 dough 3 snacks

First of all....
120g Low protein flour
40g Unsalted butter (cold cubed)

Rub butter with flour till it looks like bread crumbs.

(A) Weight 80g of the mixture for Cheesy Bites
(B) Weight 40g of the mixture for Black sesame cookies
(C) Weight 40g of the mixture for egg tart crust

(A) Cheesy bites
60g low protein flour
20g unsalted butter
25g grated cheese
1-2 tbsp cold water
1. Rub together the flour and butter until it resembles a breadcrumb texture.
2. Add the grated cheese and a tbs of water at a time kneading by hand to form a nice dough ball. It shouldn’t be sticky. If sticky add a little more flour.
3. Place on to floured surface and roll out until it is about 2-3mm thick. Cut with mini cookie cutters or cut into squares. 
4. Place onto a lined baking tray and bake in a 180 degree Celsius for 10-15 minutes or until lightly golden.

(B) Black Sesame Cookies
30g low protein flour
10g unsalted butter
5g black sesame powder
5g organic cane sugar
1-2 tbsp cold fresh milk

1. Rub together the flour and butter until it resembles a breadcrumb texture.
2. Add the black sesame powder and sugar and a tablespoon of cold milk at a time kneading by hand to form a nice dough ball. It shouldn’t be sticky. If sticky add a little more flour.
3. Divide dough into 10 portions.(roughly 6g each)
4. roll dough into ball shape and place on baking tray laid with parchment paper.
5. place another sheet of parchment paper to cover the small balls.
6. use a flat bottom surface bowl or anything to press the dough till 1-2mm thick. Gently remove the top parchment paper.
7. bake at preheated oven of 170'C for 10-15 or until lightly golden.

(C) Egg tart crust
30g low protein flour
10g unsalted butter
5g milk powder
5g organic cane sugar
1-2 tbsp cold fresh milk

1. Rub together the flour and butter until it resembles a breadcrumb texture.
2. Add the milk powder and sugar and a tablespoon of milk at a time kneading by hand to form a nice dough ball. It shouldn’t be sticky. If sticky add a little more flour.
3. Wrap dough with cling wrap and refrigerate at least 30 minutes
4. Remove the hard crust dough, divide into 3 parts (each approximately 21g)
5. Roll each small rounded dough with hands
6. Place the dough slightly rounded squash , coat with some flour and put into the tart mold
7. while rotating slowly with the thumb pressing the dough to fill the mold to make an even tart shell. ( consistent thickness so that it is not easily broken)
8. Place onto baking tray and bake at 180'C for 10-15 minutes or until lightly golden.

Almond Cookies
2 egg whites
55g almond powder
15g organic cane sugar

1) beat the egg white with sugar till hard peak form
2) add in almond powder by 2-3 portions, fold well gently but quickly.
3) preheat oven at 120'C
4) put the mixture in a piping bag with nozzle or plastic bag with cut hole of 0.7cm at the edge
5) Squeeze out mixture onto baking tray laid with non stick parchment paper
6) Bake at 100'C for 60mins or till the cookies easily be removed from the parchment paper
7) let the cookies sit in the oven for further 5-10mins is recommended.

2 顆蛋白
55克 杏仁粉
15克 有機蔗糖

1. 蛋白在無水、無油清潔的容器中打發,當魚眼泡時加入蔗糖,打發至硬性發泡。

2. 把杏仁粉分2-3次加入蛋白糊混合翻拌後,不需要過度攪拌,快手操作。

3. 預熱烤箱120度。

4. 把杏仁麵糊裝入裱花袋中可用圓嘴或者中號六齒擠出小饅頭或者小塔糖的形狀。

5. 低溫烘烤100'C大約60分鐘,中間有上下倒換一下烤盤,原則是不上色好看。

6. 最後也可關閉烤箱,不拿出烤盤在裡面悶烤一下,當杏仁餅不容易從烘培紙上取下的時候,就是沒有烘烤透,需要延長時間。烤好後要密封儲存。

Friday, April 15, 2016

14/4/2016 (thu) 寶寶優格瑞士卷

( A):
1顆 蛋黃
30克 低筋麵粉/蛋糕粉/普通麵粉/中筋麵粉
(B ) :
2顆 蛋白
10克 有機蔗糖/白砂糖
夾心可以多變哦。 。果醬,花生醬,蕃薯泥,乳酪醬,等等都可以的。

1 )材料(A )混合後,備用。
2 )預熱烤箱160'C度。
3 )材料(B )打至濕性發泡後,再將打發的蛋白分兩次倒入( 1 )拌勻。

Yogurt Swiss Roll
Egg Yolk Batter:
1 Egg Yolk
15ml Grapeseed Oil/any vege oil
40g natural plain yogurt
30g Cake Flour / all purpose flour

2 Egg Whites
10g castor sugar

Some fruit jam / peanut butter (homemade/store bought)

1) Preheat oven to 160'C.
2) Place a parchment paper or non-stick baking sheet on the baking tray.
3) In a mixing bowl, add in egg yolk, oil and yogurt, mix well then add in flour and mix till combined. Set aside.
4) Place the egg whites into a clean bowl and whisk till bubbly then add in sugar by 2 portions. Continue whisking until soft peaks form, approximately 2 minutes.
5) Transfer 1/3 of the egg whites to the egg yolk batter and mix well. Add the remaining egg whites and fold in gently. 
6) Pour batter onto the parchment paper and form 25cm x 25cm, levelled by spatula. 
7) Bake for 30mins in the middle rack, then transfer to the upper rack and bake for 5-8mins or till light golden brown on the surface.
8) Place the pancake on the wire rack for cooling down.
9) Divide the cake into two slices, apply a thin layer of jam, Roll up the cake rolled and wrap by baking paper / cling wrap and refrigerate it for 30 minutes to set.

Garden Pea Pork Soup

Honey roasted drummets
3pcs Kee Song chicken drummets
Garlic powder
Onion powder
1/4 tsp liquid amino
dash of pepper powder
1 tsp honey

1) Marinate the drummets with all the ingredients for 30mins or more or overnight
2) Preheat oven to 190 degrees C.
3) Place chicken drumstick on a plate then place on the baking tray
4) Bake for 20 minutes 

1/4 茶匙天然醬油(我用液體氨基)
胡椒粉 適量
蒜粉 適量
蔥頭粉 適量
蜂蜜 適量

2 )烤箱預熱至190 ℃。
3 )然後把雞腿放在烤盤上。

Crispy Toasted Bread (Roti Kok)
2 slices of home made Toast / bread
some unsalted butter
some sugar

1) cut toast/bread into 8 pieces
2) spread some butter on each cut bread
3) sprinkle a little sugar on each bread
4) bake at preheated oven of 180'C for 20 mins.

Monday, April 11, 2016

11/4/2016 (Mon)

The stunning killer toast ~ (just one proofing)

Saw this popular bread recipe in my phone APP (下厨房) which they call it as "the Stunning Killer Toast" (Original recipe by 曉瑋75-創建於12/11/2014) , super soft and time of making is shorter.

After doing the comparison between the white toast that I previously made with this Stunning Killer Toast:-
1) the proofing method is the same, ONE proofing only
2) liquid : water and milk
3) timing is almost the same
4) tenderness of the bread : almost the same
5) key point is : must knead the dough till window pane stage is formed, then the bread must be soft.

160g egg+milk (eg. 107g milk + 53g egg)(110g milk + 50g egg)
30g cane sugar (10g if making salty bread)
2g salt (6g if making salty bread) 
260g bread flour
3g (3/4 tsp) instant dry yeast
30g unsalted butter (cubed, cold)

Material required: 1 toast box mould for 450g bread

By bread machine
1) Place all ingredients except butter into the bread pan according to the above sequence (salt and sugar at opposite of the pan)(make an indention at the centre of the flour and add in yeast).
2) Select 'Dough' program, beat for 10mins, press stop. ( you may use 10mins but i prefer to beat longer time 20mins)
3) Reset to 'Dough' program again, add in butter, beat for 10mins.( you may use 10mins but i prefer to beat longer time 20mins)
4) Remove dough from the bread pan, divide into 3 portions.
5) roll and stretch each dough into flat, then fold into 3 folds, rest for 5 mins. repeat once again.
6) place the doughs into a greased toast box, let it proof.
7) Once the dough proof until 90% (roughly 40mins) full the toast box, close the lid and preheat the oven to 150'C.
8) bake for 50 mins, remove from oven and take out the bread immediately from the toast box.

從手機APP 下廚房發現了這個流行的麵包食譜. (原創:曉瑋75-創建於12/11/2014)它被稱為“萬人迷奪命軟吐司” ,超柔和製作時間更短這種流行的麵包配方。

作了比較,萬人迷奪命軟吐司 VS 以前做的白土司: -
1 )發酵方法是相同的,一樣是只有一次發酵而已
2 )所用的液體:水和牛奶的分別
3 )所需製作的時間:幾乎相同
4 )麵包柔軟度:幾乎相同
5 )相同的關鍵點是:必須把麵團揉成撐得起薄膜的麵團,那麼麵包就一定牽絲柔軟。


160克蛋奶:雞蛋+牛奶(如107克牛奶+53克雞蛋)( 110克牛奶+50克雞蛋)
30克蔗糖( 10g如果做咸麵包)
2克鹽( 6克如果做咸麵包)
3克( 3/4茶匙)速發酵母


1. 將所有材料(奶油除外)倒入鋼盆中攪拌搓揉成為一個不黏手的麵團
2. 將奶油加入繼續攪拌搓揉成為撐的起薄膜的麵團。

1. 將所有材料順次序(奶油除外)倒入麵包桶裡,用“麵團”功能攪拌10分鐘,按停。(我20分鐘)
2. 然後加入奶油,再重複“麵團”功能10分鐘(我20分鐘),攪拌攪拌至能成為撐的起薄膜的麵團。

3. 把麵團分割成3等份,分別擀成長方形,將麵團平均折成3等份,擀壓捲起後休麵團5分鐘。
4. 重複擀壓麵團,平均折成3等份,再擀壓捲起
5. 捲好的麵糰收口朝下朝內,間隔適當放入吐司烤模中(刷上一層固體奶油,灑上一層薄麵粉避免沾粘)
6. 用手稍微輕輕壓一下使得3團麵糰高度平均
7. 在麵糰表面噴些水,放在溫暖密閉空間中,旁邊放杯熱水幫忙提高溫度再發酵至9分滿,蓋上蓋子。
8. 放入預熱到150度c的烤箱中烘烤50分鐘。

9. 出爐後馬上倒出放在鐵網架上放涼。

Cheesy Sticks
70g Cake flour ( I used superfine flour) 
20 g Cold Butter, cubed
30g Grated Cheddar cheese or Tasty Cheese
1-2 Tbsp Cold Water

1. Rub together the flour and butter until it resembles a breadcrumb texture.
2. Add the grated cheese and a tbs of water at a time kneading by hand to form a nice dough ball. It shouldn’t be sticky. If sticky add a little more flour.
3. Place on to floured surface and roll out until it is about 2-3mm thick. Cut with mini cookie cutters or cut into squares. You can even roll into 10cm pieces and bend into curly shapes.
4. Place onto a lined baking tray and bake in a 180 degree Celsius for 10-12 minutes or until lightly golden.

Soft Rolled Cake 香蕉软糕

Soft rolled cake ( banana cake ) 
Koh Fun (cooked glutinous flour) - 150g
Hot water - 170ml
Corn oil - 20g
Fine sugar - 80g (for children I used 50g organic cane sugar)
cold water - 60ml
Banana essence / vanilla extract – few drops

For Red swirl ~ Red dragon fruit puree – 1 tbsp
For Black Swirl ~ black sesame powder OR charcoal powder+few drops water
Some koh fun as powder dusting

1 ) sieve the Koh Fun and set aside.

2 ) Add sugar into the hot water and stir until the sugar is dissolved, let it turns warm, add in oil and banana essence, mix well .

3 ) Add the sugar water into the Koh Fun and mix well, then slowly add in cold water and knead the soft dough till moderate hardness and smoothness. I spend about 3-4 mins in kneading ( cold water is not necessarily to be added all, depends on the dough) .

4 ) Divide dough into 2 portions. Lay a piece of cling wrap on the table, put the dough onto the cling wrap and fold half to cover the dough. Use a roller pin to roll till flat and rectangular shape.

5 ) Open the cling wrap, spread the dragon fruit puree (for red) OR charcoal power water (for black); and brush evenly on the surface, then rolled from the bottom to upper side, just like rolling swiss roll.

6 ) Dust the soft rolled cake with koh fun, slice it then enjoy eating.

软糕 (香蕉糕)
糕粉 - 150g
沸水 - 170ml
玉米油 - 20g
细砂糖 - 80g ( 小孩吃,我用有机蔗糖 50g)
冻泠水 - 60ml
香蕉精 - 少许

红色素:红色火龙果纯汁 1汤匙
黑色素:黑芝麻粉 / 竹碳粉+几滴水

糕粉 - 适量 (用做手粉)

1) 糕粉过筛(备用).

2) 糖加入170ml的沸水里搅拌至糖溶解,待凉.(微热也可以)倒入油和香蕉精拌匀. 

3) 把过篩的糕粉和(2)糖水放进一个工作盘里拌匀,再着量慢慢的把冻泠水加进去搓至软硬适中和光滑.这里我大约需用了5分钟就完成了(冻泠水不必一定加完,视团的湿度而定).

4) 把粉团放在撒了少量糕粉(手粉)的工作台上,在粉团上铺上一片保鲜纸.隔着保鲜纸用杆面棍把粉团杆平成薄片,再筠匀的扫上一层薄薄的红色素/黑色素,然后从上而下的卷起好像卷蛋卷那样(整个过程大约需要5分钟而已)即可.


1) 糕粉是糯米粉经过加工而成的,基本上已经是熟粉了,所以不需要经过蒸的这个过程.

2) 糖的份量我是用(80g蔗糖)我个人觉得已经够甜了,原食谱用的是细砂糖.所以用什么糖和份量请自行斟酌.

3) 粉团是有点黏黏的,所以沾点手粉和隔着保鲜纸來杆会比较好操作.