
Just Sharing healthy foods for little ones from 9mo~3yo++
blog started on 17/3/2015

Monday, April 18, 2016

17/4/2016 (1dough 3 snacks)+杏仁蛋白餅

1 dough 3 snacks

First of all....
120g Low protein flour
40g Unsalted butter (cold cubed)

Rub butter with flour till it looks like bread crumbs.

(A) Weight 80g of the mixture for Cheesy Bites
(B) Weight 40g of the mixture for Black sesame cookies
(C) Weight 40g of the mixture for egg tart crust

(A) Cheesy bites
60g low protein flour
20g unsalted butter
25g grated cheese
1-2 tbsp cold water
1. Rub together the flour and butter until it resembles a breadcrumb texture.
2. Add the grated cheese and a tbs of water at a time kneading by hand to form a nice dough ball. It shouldn’t be sticky. If sticky add a little more flour.
3. Place on to floured surface and roll out until it is about 2-3mm thick. Cut with mini cookie cutters or cut into squares. 
4. Place onto a lined baking tray and bake in a 180 degree Celsius for 10-15 minutes or until lightly golden.

(B) Black Sesame Cookies
30g low protein flour
10g unsalted butter
5g black sesame powder
5g organic cane sugar
1-2 tbsp cold fresh milk

1. Rub together the flour and butter until it resembles a breadcrumb texture.
2. Add the black sesame powder and sugar and a tablespoon of cold milk at a time kneading by hand to form a nice dough ball. It shouldn’t be sticky. If sticky add a little more flour.
3. Divide dough into 10 portions.(roughly 6g each)
4. roll dough into ball shape and place on baking tray laid with parchment paper.
5. place another sheet of parchment paper to cover the small balls.
6. use a flat bottom surface bowl or anything to press the dough till 1-2mm thick. Gently remove the top parchment paper.
7. bake at preheated oven of 170'C for 10-15 or until lightly golden.

(C) Egg tart crust
30g low protein flour
10g unsalted butter
5g milk powder
5g organic cane sugar
1-2 tbsp cold fresh milk

1. Rub together the flour and butter until it resembles a breadcrumb texture.
2. Add the milk powder and sugar and a tablespoon of milk at a time kneading by hand to form a nice dough ball. It shouldn’t be sticky. If sticky add a little more flour.
3. Wrap dough with cling wrap and refrigerate at least 30 minutes
4. Remove the hard crust dough, divide into 3 parts (each approximately 21g)
5. Roll each small rounded dough with hands
6. Place the dough slightly rounded squash , coat with some flour and put into the tart mold
7. while rotating slowly with the thumb pressing the dough to fill the mold to make an even tart shell. ( consistent thickness so that it is not easily broken)
8. Place onto baking tray and bake at 180'C for 10-15 minutes or until lightly golden.

Almond Cookies
2 egg whites
55g almond powder
15g organic cane sugar

1) beat the egg white with sugar till hard peak form
2) add in almond powder by 2-3 portions, fold well gently but quickly.
3) preheat oven at 120'C
4) put the mixture in a piping bag with nozzle or plastic bag with cut hole of 0.7cm at the edge
5) Squeeze out mixture onto baking tray laid with non stick parchment paper
6) Bake at 100'C for 60mins or till the cookies easily be removed from the parchment paper
7) let the cookies sit in the oven for further 5-10mins is recommended.

2 顆蛋白
55克 杏仁粉
15克 有機蔗糖

1. 蛋白在無水、無油清潔的容器中打發,當魚眼泡時加入蔗糖,打發至硬性發泡。

2. 把杏仁粉分2-3次加入蛋白糊混合翻拌後,不需要過度攪拌,快手操作。

3. 預熱烤箱120度。

4. 把杏仁麵糊裝入裱花袋中可用圓嘴或者中號六齒擠出小饅頭或者小塔糖的形狀。

5. 低溫烘烤100'C大約60分鐘,中間有上下倒換一下烤盤,原則是不上色好看。

6. 最後也可關閉烤箱,不拿出烤盤在裡面悶烤一下,當杏仁餅不容易從烘培紙上取下的時候,就是沒有烘烤透,需要延長時間。烤好後要密封儲存。

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