
Just Sharing healthy foods for little ones from 9mo~3yo++
blog started on 17/3/2015

Monday, June 11, 2018

紫薯南瓜螺旋馒头 Spiral Mantou 11/6/2018

Purple sweet potato and pumpkin Spiral Mantou 
(Steamed Oriental/Chinese Bun)|

Yields: 10-12

(Purple Colour)
180g plain flour/all purpose flour
1/2 tsp instant yeast
30g fine sugar
100g mashed purple sweet potato
30ml (or more)  fresh milk
1 tbsp vegetable oil

(Yellow Colour)
180g plain flour/all purpose flour
1/2 tsp instant yeast
30g fine sugar
100g mashed pumpkin
20ml (or more)  fresh milk
1 tbsp vegetable oil

(kneading separately for the both dough)
1) Mix together plain flour, instant yeast, mashed sweet potato/pumpkin and fine sugar , add in milk gradually and mix into a dough.
2) Add in vegetable oil, mix until well blended.
3) Knead the dough by using "washing cloth" method for about 6-7mins, you shall see the dough is smooth, hand is clean and the table is clean. cover dough and rest for 6-7mins.
4) Put the rested pumpkin dough on parchment paper, roll out into thin flat dough (cover the rolled dough to prevent it from drying).
5) Put the rested sweet potato dough on parchment paper, roll out into thin flat dough.
6) Put sweet potato dough on top of pumpkin dough, roll out again to left and right into thinner dough.
7) Remove the parchment papers, put the thin dough on floured working table, flatten the dough at the end where rolling starts, then roll up the thin dough into a rod shape.
8) Cut into 10-12 portions using serrated knife (for a nicer cut), put each on a piece of paper.
9) Bring 500 ml of water to the boil in a steamer, off the heat, then add in 1 Litre of plain tap water.
10) Arrange mantou dough in steamer racks (leave some space between each), then put the racks over the warm water, cover and proof for 25-30 minutes. (Reminder: Using bamboo steamer to steam will prevent condensation water from dripping onto mantou, thus yield a prettier bun.)
11) After proofing for 25-30 minutes, turn to high heat until water is boiling (about 3 minutes), then reduce to medium heat and steam for 12 minutes. Off fire when time's up. DO NOT OPEN LID immediately. Wait for 10mins.

分量: 10-12
180 克 普通面粉
1/2 茶匙 即溶酵母 (instant yeast)
30 克 细砂糖
100克 紫薯泥(先蒸熟,趁热压成泥)

180 克 普通面粉
1/2 茶匙 即溶酵母 (instant yeast)
30 克 细砂糖
100克 南瓜泥(先蒸熟,趁热压成泥)

1) 把普通面粉、即溶酵母和细砂糖混合拌匀,慢慢加入牛奶拌成面团(成团即可停加牛奶,每种面粉吸水量不同,薯泥和南瓜泥的水分也有所不同)。
2 )加入食油,继续拌至完全混合。
4)把已松弛的南瓜团放在不沾烤盘纸上,撒上少许面粉,擀成薄面团 (擀好后把薄面团盖上避免变干)。
8)用锯齿刀 (可以切得比较漂亮)切成10-12份,把每份放在一张纸上。
9)把500毫升的水放入蒸炉里,滚开后熄火, 然后加入1公升清水。
10)把馒头面团排在蒸笼里 (每份要相隔一些距离),然后放在装有温水的蒸炉上,盖上盖子,醒发25-30分钟。(温馨提示: 用竹蒸笼来蒸可以避免倒汗水滴入馒头,成品会比较漂亮。)

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