
Just Sharing healthy foods for little ones from 9mo~3yo++
blog started on 17/3/2015

Tuesday, May 4, 2021




中筋面粉 150克
干酵母粉 1.5克
细沙糖 18克
全脂牛奶 75克(+/-5克g)
植物油 5克

友爱豆沙馅 32克

1) 把所有材料拌匀揉光滑,然后分成4份。一份留白色,另外3份个别拌入红黄蓝的天然色粉。个别搓均匀了,再每个颜色分为一半。主色1/2份的红黄蓝1备用。另外的半份红黄蓝再分一半。

2) 把6种颜色面团分别切割8等分(如图)
然后, 用双手稍微搓揉成长的泪滴状,每个颜色都有8条泪滴状的面团。

3) 把白色面团取出10克,然后搓圆分成4等分,包入8克的友爱豆沙馅,搓圆备用。
4)组装面团了。 。依次序排成一个圆圈的花。红-橙-黄-绿-蓝-紫-红-橙-黄-绿-蓝-紫。
5)稍微压压花面团, 中间的部分就压扁后放入白色的面团。

6)把3克面团加入少许竹炭粉变成黑色,做成眼睛。 7克面团加入少许红粬粉做成嘴巴。



 Murakami Mantou/Pao
150g All purpose flour / Plain flour
18g Sugar
1.5g Instant dry yeast
75g fresh milk (+ / - 5g)
1 tsp vegetable oil

32g of Yu-Ai Red bean paste

Taiwanese natural colour powder 
Red, Yellow and Blue


) knead dough by hand or by bread maker till smooth for about 10mins, hand clean bowl clean dough smooth. Liquid part if too dry may add more water or milk as different brand flour may have different water absorption.

2) divide dough into 4 portions:-
1/4 of the dough : White
1/4 of the dough : Red
1/4 of the dough : Yellow
1/4 of the dough : Blue

Mix in the colours respectively and then divide each color dough into 1/2 again. So now you will mix as the followings:-
 1/4 red + 1/4 yellow --> Orange
 1/4 red + 1/4 blue --> Purple
 1/4 yellow + 1/4 blue --> Green

3) Roll all the 6 colored dough into balls, then use knife to cut 8 portions equally.
4) for the white dough, take out 10g dough for eyes and mouth, then divide into 4 portions equally, wrap in 8g of Yu-Ai red bean paste and roll into balls too.

5) for every cut colored dough as above picture, use palms to roll into long tear drops shape for all colors.
6) Combine the colored tear drops dough with the sequence of RED > ORANGE > YELLOW > GREEN > BLUE > PURPLE and repeat one more cycle. Arrange them nicely in a circle and press down the center, brush some milk/ water on the center then place a white circle dough on top of it. use palm lightly press down for better combine.

7) Use the black dough (3g white dough + bamboo charcoal powder) to make eyes, pink dough (7g white dough + a little red yeast powder) for the mouth.

8) Place all kitty's bun on the steaming rack. in the wok, add some water (about 2cm height water level) and on the fire till water is warm (about 45'C) then turn off the fire. Place the steaming rack on the wok and let it proof for 20-30mins.
(if your shaping process is long time till the bun already fully proof, you may skip the proofing time and straight away on the fire to start cooking.

9) steam for 10mins with medium heat. Lid cover wrapped by cloth to prevent dripping water to the surface. Off fire when time's up. DO NOT OPEN LID immediately. Wait for 10mins then open lid cover carefully..



Pandan Sponge Cake
AFI Vanilla Sponge Mix ECO 250g
Egg 250g (5pcs)
Pandan Juice 60g
Oil (corn/palm) 60g

1) Mix all ingredients (except oil) with mixer attachment whisk
for 6 minutes high speed until peak form.
2) Add in oil and mix at low speed 1 minute or until
homogeneous batter.
3) Pour batter into 2 nos of 6" round cake mould evenly.
4) Bake at 180⁰C for 25-30 minutes.
(Baking temperature and time are depending on sizes of
baking pan and type of oven)
5)Slice the cake into 3 pcs for later using.

Pandan Paste
400ml  thick coconut milk (i use 2 packets of kara coconut milk)
200ml fresh milk
500ml pandan juice = blend 8 pandan leaves + water
80g white packaging Hoen Kwe flour(corn flour substitute)
80g castor sugar
12g agar-agar powder

6) Put all ingredients in a small pot and mix well by a whisk, cook under small fire, non-stop stirring and cook until boiling and thicken.

7) Put one layer of kaya paste (step 6) into a 6" round cake mould, level it by using spatula. then place a piece of cake at the centre, repeat the process until you put the last layer of the kaya paste. Place a layer of cling wrap close to the surface. Use some weight to put on top of the cake to prevent the cake from "floating", leave to cool, once cool, transfer to the fridge, refrigerated for 2-4 hours before removing from mould.

海绵蛋糕粉 250g
(sponge mix by #ActiveFoodIngredients
全蛋 5粒
香兰汁 (8片香兰叶加水打成汁)60g
米糠油/玉米油/融化牛油 60g 

3)把面糊倒进2 个6寸的蛋糕模。

香蘭軟糕 / 咖椰材料
400ml 椰漿
200ml 清水
500ml 香蘭汁 = 2片香蘭葉+水,打成汁 
80g 印尼綠豆粉(白)/ 用玉米粉代替 
80g 細砂糖
12g 燕菜粉 

(以上分量可以做2 个6寸的圆蛋糕)

6) 把所有材料倒進一個小鍋,攪拌均勻。用打蛋器不停地攪拌在小火煮至濃稠,熄火即可。

7)我使用2个6寸的圆模,先倒入一層(做法7),鋪上一片蛋糕,如此類推,直到完成為止,最上一層舖的一定要是香蘭軟糕,舖一張保鮮膜緊貼香蘭軟糕的表面。用一些小重的東西壓著,預防浮起來,待冷,放入冰箱冷藏2 - 4 小時後,即可脫模。

Sunday, May 2, 2021

平底锅豆沙包 Pan cooked red bean bun

Pan Cook Bun/bread
150g All purpose Flour
2g (1/2 tsp) Instant Dry Yeast
85-95ml warm water/milk
10g olive oil/grapeseed oil/rice bran oil/any vege oil
10g sugar

1) in a mixing bowl, add in all ingredients.
2) mix and knead till hand is clean, bowl is clean and dough is smooth.
3) cover dough with clean damp cloth, rest for 10-15mins.
4) divide dough into 6 equally portions (42g each), wrap in filling (I used 20g of Yu Ai red bean in each dough).
5) roll and flatten the dough.

Pan cook method:
6a) place buns in a non stick pan (no oil needed), close lid and proof for 20-30mins.
7a) pan cook with smallest fire for 5-8 mins.
8a) over turn the bread and pan cook till both sides golden brown.

Oven method:
6b) place buns on baking tray laid with parchment paper, proof for 20-30mins inside off oven.
7b) remove baking tray from the oven, preheat oven till 150'C.
8b) bake at preheated oven of 150'C for 10 mins.

p/s: for nicer outlook, just simply pan fry without oil both sides golden brown.

酵母2g (1/2茶匙)
溫水/牛奶 85-95g


a)放入平底不沾鍋不需抹油,發酵20-25分鐘。 。